Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


Dude’s just a klepto

Judge Cannon’s hearing starts at 2 pm—but with a new wrinkle: confirmation that Trump has received a target letter in the Special Counsel’s other investigation. 1/

— Lisa Rubin (@lawofruby) July 18, 2023

And the implication is this: Even if Cannon caves to Trump’s demands not to set ANY trial date, she now can’t single-handedly prevent a federal trial before Election Day. The federal judges in DC have handled of 1/6 cases rapidly—and his should be no exception. FIN

p.s. I meant hundreds of 1/6 cases. Point still stands; the judges of DDC deal with the fallout from 1/6 on their dockets every single day. Even among the Trump nominees on the DC district court, I cannot see any of them pushing a trial off until past the election.

I can’t believe there are people out there in the year of our Lord 2023 saying things like ‘but what if he really believed the election was stolen? Then you can’t charge him with a crime.’


He just wants to be more like his boy Putin

Hannity gets all puffed up over a mention of Trump’s dad being in the Klan. He never heard that even once! (video)

CORNEL WEST: Trump's own father has been tied to the Klan

HANNITY: I've never heard that allegation

West then brings up the Central Park 5

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) July 18, 2023

Wasn’t there a story about how Putin walked off with Tom Brady’s Super Bowl ring or something like that?

Lol, damn it, didn’t realize you linked to the story.


If I’m Zelenskyy, when I sit down to negotiate, after return my people and land, I’m putting “and a Super Bowl ring” on my list of demands.

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Well now that we got him, who’s next?

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Revised link with full screenshot. Looks like MI electors are next.

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I am so thankful that a Magaturds got control of the whole R party in my home state. There was a lot of anger with Whitmer over her (excellent and life saving) handling of Covid. Thought for sure they’d show up and vote her out.

Whitmer for Pres. Nessel for AG.



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I’m not sure I could ever vote for a Michigander in the general. One must have principles.

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If it goes through (it won’t), I bet a GoFundMe would make enough to cover the costs.

The call is coming from inside the House


The target letter mentions three federal statutes: conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud the United States, deprivation of rights under color of law, and tampering with a witness, victim or an informant, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

Doesn’t sound all that sexy.