I don’t bet on the legal system at all. The legal system is stupid, stilted, and slow and we are witnessing every bit of that with Trump. The thing that makes it different for him vs. others is there usually aren’t stakes like a guy who can wipe it all away by winning an election forcing LOLAW onto a clock. The system is not constructed to deal with this, because it’s stupid, stilted, and slow.
I’m telling you that I’m working on a massive project that is basically a lot of what you’re seeing today that began nearly 50 years ago (from criminal cases to the last civil trial, it took 11 years to get through his stuff and he got away with basically everything outside of two beneficial civil suit settlements but eventually went bankrupt).
That guy knew two things:
If he had been a person of ordinary means, he would not have been charged with capital murder (they used a novel theory to charge him with that)
If he had been a person of ordinary means, he would have been convicted extremely quickly based on the eyewitnesses and circumstantial evidence
That case practically broke the justice system in Texas and most people thought that guy could get away with anything forever. His money has created a lot of the political system we’re living under now and the parallels to Trump are often striking as a reporter who covered that story once told me not long ago. The key difference is Trump doesn’t have a woman by his side who’s willing to lie on any occasion for him.
Getting him to trials is what is necessary, regardless of the outcomes, because the clowns he has representing him are the worst of the worst and they believe all the things you do. Just like most around here did with every other criminal trial of a crony of Trump. Nearly every single indictment of a Trump crony has resulted in convictions, despite people being terrified of MAGA nullification.
The system is wildly stilted vs. poor people and rich people. It’s very difficult for either to get a fair trial. Clearance rates are almost always due to plea bargains, which people on the high end usually refuse to do. Paid lawyers being involved in cases dramatically reduce conviction rates. Great and/or famous paid lawyers take it down to close to zero. Lawyers like Trump has will likely eventually increase conviction rates if he loses the election. His lawyers are worse than most of the worst public defenders.
Clovis is the most hyperbolic person on this site, so you have to take a lot of his 100% proclamations with a big grain of salt. My favorite movie review he ever wrote said something like this:
Amazing movie, one of the best westerns I’ve seen, one of the best of the year.
Grade: B+
I’m sure I got the language, genre, and whatever wrong, but I know I got the B+ right.
They convey the strength of your belief that people hold the extreme position you ascribe to them. I could be wrong but I don’t think you’re actually that sure.
Don’t lump me in with them. My position has been that a lot of things could go either way and there’s not enough info to narrow the range of future possibilities as much as most people in this thread think.
You guys are getting a bit heated here. Personally, I’ll be happy if I’m wrong and the legal system puts Trump away before he gets elected but I’m sure not gonna count on that happening.
Yeah, his Elvis was a nobody take was pretty mind-blowing. I mostly post out of anxiety and I think I almost double up the next most frequent poster in this thread so I get the need to let it out. He can say what he wants.
The debut comes at a critical moment for Mr Trump, who has been scrambling for cash to pay legal penalties and owns more than half of the firm’s shares.
He is currently barred from selling his holdings for at least six months, making it difficult for him to tap the windfall immediately.
The company’s board, which is stocked with allies including one of his sons, could potentially change that rule, but analysts have said they think that would be unlikely to happen immediately.
The point is that you were gushing over a movie and then gave it a subpar grade. I once worked with a producer on a project where he gushed over how well I did on a commentary edit and proceeded to give me 100 notes. That’s not my idea of doing a good job. As good a job as he said I did in the preface generally gets no notes, kind of like the review like you gave of that movie deserves an A.
Even I agree the ball was dropped and/or fumbled quite a few times. This was an unprecedented situation. Garland absolutely should have anticipated he was going to run again and beat him to the punch by appointing a special prosecutor before he declared. And there were other things that should’ve happened sooner than they did and still other things that should’ve happened but never did
That said, I agree the timeline isn’t really all that shocking