Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Trump won’t pick someone that is more popular than him.

Pence as establishment is serious goal post moving already.

Elon Musk gonna get VP. Buying Twitter was just to prove he will pull the trigger on a big enough payment.

Pence was considered a mainstream Republican before Trump. He is more stridently religious than maybe the median Republican (pre-Trump), but he’s a basic religion-Reagan guy.

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please proceed, governor

Trump absolutely needs someone who will go along with the fascism when the time comes since VP is the only one he can’t fire if they get cold feet. That’s qualification number one. I think that is his biggest “lesson learned” from Jan 6.

I think that rules out people like Haley. Trump doesn’t need establishment types anymore. Their voters are already for him or against him They bring nothing.


He needs joel osteen

I don’t think it matters since he could just have them killed if they don’t do what he wants.

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Pence was “establishment” it’s just that he was a back-bench guy who was never going to be a national figure until Trump picked him up.

He needs someone with absolutely no shame who also is zero threat to outshine him, Stefanik seems good.

Trump’s ideal VP is someone who will back him in any coup, will bribe him to be named VP, and will give him good blowjobs in the Oval Office.

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You may be right. He was perhaps going to fill the Bland Religious Guy role formerly filled by Santorum, i.e. you run and finish 5th and use that to build your brand.

Never forget!

Savage announced the winning entry, which defined “santorum” as “the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex .”


Trump now wants a VP he can bang

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And I also just realized, Stephanie March, the woman in this clip, played Ivanka Trump on that Comedy Central show The President. Some foreshadowing, perhaps?

I don’t think Trump is necessarily worried about picking a VP more popular than him. I think he’d want an attack dog. I could see it being someone like Tucker Carlson, someone who goes on the Sunday shows and fellates him regularly. Loyalty will be the only thing that matter. The person can’t have any moral convictions or personal ambitions of their own, outside of echoing everything Trump says or does.


Kyle rittenhouse type legal scholars, are you “listening”?


Chump change but Trump still owned himself.

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