Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

He should go with that epoxy they use for carbon composites.


everybody’s guilty

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Let he who is without sin imo

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Tough sell these days

I keep telling people having kids that this should be the top criterion for a name.

I suppose a fuckton of Aidans and Olivias are going to backdoor their way into having this feature too.

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So Trump leaked the recording, right? Any chance he did so to make sure anyone else who was present has their lives ruined by MAGAites in an effort to intimidate?

Or do I need to take off my tinfoil hat?

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well past the need for that, owing to MAGA’S total denial of everything. keep somethin’ handy tho


What recording is he talking about?

I guess you’re joking because who knows how many incriminating recordings there are. He’s confessing in cable news interviews and whatever. But in this case, he means the one he probably leaked himself, maybe to try to get it excluded as evidence at trial or as an opportunity to intimidate witnesses or to just to get attention, idk. The Bedminster can we bring some Cokes in tape.


I can’t keep track of them all

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Yes they found a bloody glove hidden in my backyard, but that actually PROVES I’m innocent because that glove doesn’t fit my hand!


This is the elite move since none of it matters.

If they’re on the witness list, it’s possible Trump is trying to pressure these two by releasing the tape.

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Martin, a former deputy director of communications for Trump’s Save America PAC who now works on his 2024 campaign, testified to a special grand jury in March as part of the classified documents probe after having her laptop and phones imaged by prosecutors in January.

CNN previously reported in February that Trump’s legal team had inadvertently handed over more materials with classified markings to prosecutors after a Trump aide copied the pages onto a thumb drive and laptop, not realizing they were classified.

Huh. Oh, sure.

I’m not following the meaning of the bolded. How do you inadvertently hand something over?

I think it’s saying they handed over thumb drive and laptop not realizing copied classified docs were on it?


I’m not clear what it means either but I think DoJ got the laptop/thumbdrive data and there was classified stuff on it that Martin had copied. The copied material was something Trump hadn’t handed over. It says Martin didn’t know it was classified, but maybe she didn’t know it was there at all or forgot and oops, DoJ found it. You know how it is when you can’t remember where you copied a file to and maybe your stolen classified stuff gets mixed in with your cat pics or whatever.

Edit: and let’s not forget the possibility she lied about knowing that stuff was on her devices/classified.


For about half a second my brain saw that Trump picture and read “Mango Martin,” thought it was a new nickname, and started wondering what this idiot could have done to get the “Martin” part of it