Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

*not a popular election (he did not win that)

He just keeps digging.

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FWIW she was referring to TWO kinds of people who support Trump.

There are 1) those who feel abandoned and desperate (and thus deserving of empathy and outreach) 2) and those she called “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic” ie “basket of deplorables”

“Just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?”

The people in this basket, emboldened by Trump’s tweets, were “irredeemable,” she said. But there was another basket: Trump supporters who just felt the government had let them down and wanted change — and Democrats had to empathize to win these voters.

But I wonder if she would today say whether there are two baskets.

Or perhaps to your point, whether there ever were actually two baskets.


Looks like your FIL is an OG EL


Maybe, depending on Cannon. Plus Rudy (maybe) flipping, Meadows testified and agreed to further cooperate in exchange for leniency, and Trump lawyers to be charged.




Obviously you’ll still want a chaser!


I still don’t get what good Rudy does for prosecutors. They certainly can’t put him on the witness stand. The defense will easily point out his flawed character and propensity for lies. I’d think that would hurt them more than help

I also thought they subpoenaed his phones and records and already have all the info they need from him regardless if he agrees to cooperate or not. It’s all so confusing

I don’t think prosecutors have necessarily agreed to give Rudy much. The queen for a day thing means he comes in and says, “If I were to testify to blah blah blah, what would you give me?” Prosecutors do agree that they won’t use what he offers in that session against him, but they can use whatever they already have. It’s more or less a freeroll for prosecutors. That’s what I understand, IANAL.

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It’s all kind of stupid, he very obviously “did it,” it’s not like the outcome will hinge on testimony from Rudy Giuliani or anyone else, it’s just a matter of whether there is jury nullification.

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Bloomberg paywall but yeah, no shit

BREAKING. But falls into the “no kidding” category: Trump ‘Standing Order’ to Declassify Documents Not Found by DOJ, ODNI - Bloomberg

— Andrew Weissmann đŸŒ» (@AWeissmann_) June 29, 2023

Or prosecutors make an absurdly bad deal.


Anatomy of a mistrial from juror notes. Later retried and found guilty of Medicare fraud. “Nullification” can just be weird people thinking weird things.


And she oughta know


From those written statements, it appears that we have got some pretty sharp elementary school students on these juries.

I know it’s a George Carlin bit, but “normal” people are unimaginably stupid.

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Wasn’t able to make it enough for you
To be open wide, no
And every time you speak her name

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Just consider if we ran everything like trials by jury.

If we want to build a bridge, have two engineers argue about the correct tensile strength of the material then let a jury of lay people pick whichever one sounded more convincing and go with that. Who among us would be confident driving over that bridge?

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Or better yet, let’s have two charlatans, both paid off by special interests run against each other for legislative seats. And then let’s let them decide everything for us.

Oh wait.