Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I’m not following the meaning of the bolded. How do you inadvertently hand something over?

I think it’s saying they handed over thumb drive and laptop not realizing copied classified docs were on it?


I’m not clear what it means either but I think DoJ got the laptop/thumbdrive data and there was classified stuff on it that Martin had copied. The copied material was something Trump hadn’t handed over. It says Martin didn’t know it was classified, but maybe she didn’t know it was there at all or forgot and oops, DoJ found it. You know how it is when you can’t remember where you copied a file to and maybe your stolen classified stuff gets mixed in with your cat pics or whatever.

Edit: and let’s not forget the possibility she lied about knowing that stuff was on her devices/classified.


For about half a second my brain saw that Trump picture and read “Mango Martin,” thought it was a new nickname, and started wondering what this idiot could have done to get the “Martin” part of it


I saw some tv prosecutor pointing out the Trump has

A not been charged in NJ
B not been charged with disseminating top secret stuff

Regardless of who leaked it, Smith (supposedly) has a solid plan B of different charges in a more favorable jurisdiction.

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To try to come up with a coherent story, Margo Martin’s job was to document Trump’s interviews so he could be sure he was quoted accurately. Suppose she did her job well: she recorded the audio from the interview on her laptop. And not just that, but to be thorough, Martin also copied the documents Trump was showing onto the same laptop. DoJ eventually gets an image of her laptop drive, finds the documents, and realizes, hey this isn’t stuff that Trump has turned over! Martin is interviewed and lies, saying she didn’t know it was classified even though it was marked and she was there in the room where Donald told everybody it was classified. The lie makes the document transfer “inadvertent”.

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What would be oh so sweet irony is if everyone was right all along about Garland being too cowardly to do anything shelving Jan 6 for over a year and giving Trump every opportunity imaginable to please please please just cooperate with the documents so we don’t have to indict… And then Trump stupidly declares his candidacy to get out of something which he was never in danger of with Garland, but now forces Garland to appoint a special prosecutor who winds up burying his sorry criminal ass

The CNN video is amazing. Gotta love a world where that exists and trump still faces zero consequences.

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The Access Hollywood tape didn’t stop him from winning a popular election to the most powerful position on earth. There is no bottom.

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Even the most self-congratulatory of cynics, like Feinberg, are lining up to kick the Lucy football. Give it up guys. It’s over. It’s okay. It’s not your fault.

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It wasn’t just the Access Hollywood tape. He also picked a fight with gold star parents, mocked a disable reporter, made fun of POWs, among many other things before being elected. I know it galvanized Trump supporters, but HRC was right. You have to be deplorable to support such a POS



This shit is what he had no problem saying on national TV and radio so I can only imagine the details he’d spill in private conversations.

What, you guys never been in a locker room with a bunch of men talking lustfully about their daughters?


Trump probably idolizes Steven pladl, at least up until the murder suicide part, but the part about impregnating his own daughter? He was probably quite proud of the man.

This shit never sticks because it’s always “disgruntled former employee”.

The cowards need to actually record him and leak it while still in his employ.

My father-in-law is very Trumpy in manner (and many other ways, with the notable exception that he has literally zero money). He’ll deliberately say bonkers shit that makes people, in particular my wife, uncomfortable, and then sit there with a little half-smirk. The reaction from my wife is usually “WTF is wrong with you I can’t believe you’re my father will you please STFU up” but he definitely gets something out of it.

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Keep some Bud Light in the fridge for when he comes over.

He is not ambulatory and thus remains confined to the Jewish home to which my wife fought tooth-and-nail to have him admitted as a charity case. She would have been well within her rights to wash her hands of him decades ago, but that’s not how she’s built.

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Wear a Bud Light t-shirt when visiting?