Did we just upgrade or something?

nunn, I really don’t understand what you want. My best suggestion for you is to roll your own and get back to us when you have one you like. We’ll probably install it for you.

That’s too wide for the way I’m using my browser. I’m not in full screen. It still shows up as 4 boxes on mine (empty bottom right). I do like the idea of that if you can add more topics to each category view.

I’m not implementing a major site-wide change just for you.

If you’re talking about the topics in view number, you should probably re-think that. If you think I’m telling you what to do with the site in general, that’s not what’s happening here. I just gave some feedback about something I don’t like, a change I didn’t feel was necessary.

There was once this social media network. It had a terrible interface. People would get used to the terrible interface, and then it would change to something else terrible. On and on and on. If people aren’t complaining about certain features, why are you changing them?

Your first screen shot is interesting as that’s not what’s showing on zz alternate background. I’m missing ‘Review, Users, and Preferences’.

I also don’t have the ‘Category Page Style’ anywhere I can see inside my preferences that I can only access by clicking on my name. I’m on desktop if this is unclear.

The ‘zz alternate background’ is a Frankenstein bastard child that was literally created just for you by ggoreo copying one of my themes and customizing it per your requests with features from his own themes. It is poorly maintained.

The screen shots you’re seeing are from ggoreo’s themes that are in development.

If you want even more highly specific customizations just for yourself that take hours and hours of work, you should probably avoid any theme with a zz in it going forward.

I’m sorry you are so bitter about everything. Maybe add more sugar to your diet.