Did we just upgrade or something?

A previous update was supposed to fix the issue but apparently hasn’t. There also seems like there might be a problem with people being removed from the ignore list after a much shorter time than specified.

Unfortunately that stuff is all deeply buried in the software and there’s not much we can do about it. I’m tentatively planning another update this weekend. Fingers crossed?

afaik, yes. It’s part of the base code now and should have happened two updates ago.

Also seems like to me the unread tab isn’t working right? when I look in categories I see a lot of unread threads that don’t show in unread tab. Maybe I’m wrong but it sure seems like it.

Also the Donald thread doesn’t seem to be updating to show number of unread posts next to thread title like all the other threads and it doesn’t show up in unread tab I think.

Unread only shows threads with new posts that you’re watching or tracking. If you want to see new threads that you’ve never read at all, that’s here:

Not sure what to say about post counts. They seem to be working for me and none of the changes made last night should have any effect on that.

The blue thing on the right to skip to the end of threads is gone. Madness.

It’s the whole mobile dark theme whack now. Switched to mobile gray.

Is there a way to make one’s homepage Categories rather than Latest?


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This is a sporadic and infrequent bug I’ve noticed that predates any changes we made. And like the issues with the ignore feature, we’re at the mercy of the software developers for getting it fixed.

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It’s the DNC and impeachment all over again SMH

I haven’t paid attention to that, but I will be mindful going forward to see if that is the case.

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Don’t know if this issue is due to the upgrade or size of the thread in question, but I’ve noticed in the Trump thread that if I click on the avatar of the poster being replied to and the original post is some way up the thread, I don’t get the ‘Back’ option (this is when browsing on my phone).

Everything shifted to the left?

I’m changed the categories view for the zz themes which makes all pages go to widescreen. Previously there was a max width set which kept a narrower column centered on the page. I can revert to that for all but the categories page if preferred.

eta: oic, topic pages are borked. On it.

Yeah, the categories view looks nice, but now it looks like threads are back in the center and looking good.

So, I just saw that the landing page for the categories default was changed to a ‘four box’ structure. I guess I’ll get used to it, but have no idea why this was necessary when we only have 3 main categories. Is something being planned?

Nothing is planned, it just looked like shit the other way. It’s also supposed to be more dynamic than it is, going from 1 to 3 columns depending on browser width. But right now it’s limited to 2 because I’m too busy with other things to fix it.


Seriously? This is a major life adjustment for you?

I don’t think it looks good, but that’s just me. I would prefer a set up where more topics stay in view in the categories pages, but again that’s just me.

Huh? There are now twice as many visible at once than there were before. And you can always go to any category for the full list on infinite scroll.

Do you actually consume this stuff, or just say stuff like this?

There are 10 ‘topics’ per category max that show. That’s the same in the theme I’m using now that you changed it. Yes, I am very aware you can see topics by clicking on the full category. The point is that certain things that should be seen are not seen because of the number of ‘topics’ being limited in the view I like to see. You might have noticed that several people did not like having the main page not be the categories page.

For me, it’s an aesthetic thing. I like it more headline driven, and wish more headlines would show up, because there are often 3 or 4 topics that mean nothing on the front page. Several that people should at least be aware of when they haven’t been on the site for a few days are buried each day, and I doubt many people are clicking through the main category page unless they’re looking for something.

Didn’t do anything for me, and it’s also buggy. The post scroll bar is now inside the post window, because it didn’t get moved along with the sizing.