Describe your favorite movie as boringly as possible

Князь Потёмкин Таврический?

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Snowpiercer if a train were a ship

I’ve never seen Battleship Potempkin

Battleship Potemkin :smiley:

How dare you

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many enlisted men refused to eat the borscht made from rotten meat partially infested with maggots.


I took a Film as Lit class in college and we watched at least one Eisenstein movie. I don’t remember which one(s). Maybe I saw it then.

That is a great one!!! But no.

Did we just become best friends?


Two dudes laugh about terminal illness.

The Bucket List JACK

This seems technically correct, but not the one I was thinking of.

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If you hang out in a strange room long enough, new friends can help you achieve enlightenment.

Funny People

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Bam, although credit to @JonnyA for picking another fit. Apparently this is a whole genre.

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It’s funny how I think we often assume our clues are glaringly obvious. Dozens of guesses later…

Squinty-eyed man makes business management suggestions to a sleepy fellow.

Jury lets guilty kid get away with murder.

Primal Fear?

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That works, but not the one I was aiming for.