Democratic Primary Debates

There’s certainly more eligible voters in texas that lean dem than there are that lean rep, but the people that lean rep vote at much higher rates. Registering to vote in texas kinda sucks it’s not easy to legally help people to register to vote.

More likes than the real tweet lol.




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That’s for sure the bumper sticker I was thinking of for half the people on that stage last night.


Acording to CNN commentators JB is the real JB… He’s the fighter in the crowd and definitely will not stand for any criticism or misrepresentation of his policy’s.

Tbh he doesn’t make my top 3 JB but whatever…
James Bond
Jack Bower
Joe Blow

Probably not. I think the more moderate people on stage tonight are all better (none are Republican lite other than maybe old Joe and maybe that fraud Gabbard). Like Michael Bennet probably cried himself to sleep last night not being allowed to be the Delaney of that debate (he got terrible draws both debates). He actually seems smart. I wouldn’t vote for him in a primary, but he wouldn’t have come across like a tool like Delaney and Hickenlooper did.

I expect you’ll hear big ideas out of everyone but maybe Biden and Gabbard. I think you’ll hear good stuff and bad stuff from Bennet, but find it hard to believe he’ll be a ‘no we can’t’ guy. His one real positive is he hates Cocaine Moscow Mitch.

James Brown is the Original JB.

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Jim Beam yo.

John Brown imo

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@nunnehi As I’m off work tonight I’m a watch this show & pray M. Bennett does another I hate Mitch speech… :pray::pray::pray:

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Joe Biden joins snapchat long after people stopped using it. News at 11.

I wouldn’t start counting the votes of CA transplants just yet especially if they’re single- issue low tax voters. They’re not moving to TX to transform it into the place they just left. I also think you’re overemphasizing Beto’s results a bit. That was a perfect storm of a) Cruz being disliked by many Republicans because he’s perceived as anti-Trump and b) off year election where the opposition parties tend to do better plus the incumbent president isn’t particularly popular. I think most Republicans not named Ted Cruz still would have crushed it.

Oh my gosh…

Take your seats and fasten all seat belts… :sunglasses:

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My best friend growing up basically gave me the low down on everything going on there (he’s a GOP who did not vote for Trump) when I was there last year. The people were moving to the TCU area, which is one of the nicest areas there. He says ‘all’ those people are liberals from California. Beto signs were all over that area, with a smattering of Cruz signs in between. I thought it was interesting, but he thought it less so, because of the types of people that he felt were moving in there (rich liberals from CA).

Across the rest of the city, there were no signs, which is very much the way I remember things being when I grew up. So few people are willing to admit they’d vote for Cruz. Trump is very offensive to the ‘typical’ Texan (typical meaning you can’t define them, and most of my Texas friends say zero about Trump after being very vocal during the 2016 runup).

I’m not saying Beto could beat Cornyn (who is legit awful), but I think he has a better chance of knocking him off than he did Cruz when he ran against him. Cornyn is more popular than Cruz. If Beto ran today against Cruz, I think he’d win. I said it when he ran, I thought he was the perfect type of candidate to break the curse of the 30 year run of the GOP in Texas. They just didn’t think he really was the guy willing to cross over. Based on his debate performances and campaign, I’m fairly sure a lot more believe him now. That same reasoning is why he’s not viable on the national stage in today’s Democratic Party. A friend of mine would have walked through fire on Beto’s Senate campaign for him, but she’s firm Warren for prez even after he declared.

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Mainstream media has been dethroned by right-wing children’s television programming, and is legit pandering to to that audience - an audience that will never have them and at the expense of doing what is right.