Democratic Primary Debates

I wish someone would try to explain to the American people that dead troops are a sunk cost.

Some bad commercials. Look for the 3rd one here.

So you don’t like McGovern. Got it. Dumb guy ran on not murdering millions of people. Commie.

This! But I don’t think the poker analogy worked too well… sorry Risky.

Trump and his bunch just project their own beliefs. They think Bernie as an opponent will be a slam dunk only because he would be a monster No for THEM. Projection is just huge for these dolts.

Trumps soft Bernie tweets are likely going to be a reason a bunch of voters go Trump → Bern if they end up HU. Not many, but there are some. jmho

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“Bernie is the real Obama”. That’s actually a great line! Gonna print me a t-shirt with that on it.

I was so hyped for Obama, then he just immediately started holding hands with the GOP and letting them dictate shit in his first term. Obama’s still one of the GOATs but goddam if he didn’t pass on going for the slam dunks in his first 2 yrs. Another time Mitch McConnell pissed his pants laughing at Dem weakness.

If those people were already registered as Democrats, that doesn’t mean much for the general. There was evidence of a modest amount of new voters, though. The Nevada Democratic Party said that in early voting, 10,000 people had signed up to be Democrats for the first time. It probably ended up being more than 10% of voters who were newly minted Democrats, and the percentage of the population too young to vote in 2016 is more like 6%. So let’s say 5% of the people who voted became Democrats this cycle specifically to do so. However, since only 1 in 6 registered Democrats turned out for the caucus, that’s less than 1% of Democrats in the state overall. But that’s encouraging given that it’s only the primary right now.

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lmao that is a terrible, terrible political ad.

White supremacy is the status quo in this country, so arguably not really.

It was a…risky flush, you say?

McGovern was actually doing OK until the Eagleton problem - for you kids he was a last second selection for the VP slot after Ted Kennedy basically shafted McGovern by refusing to be his VP after essentially promising not to.

Problem that Eagleton had hidden a history of multiple admissions for depression that was bad enough to require electroshock therapy. Once that came out, McGovern was cooked. It would be the equivalent of finding that Sanders had a brace of 14 year old blond Morman Cheerleaders massaging him to sleep every evening and having the video splashed over Youtube.

Which was awful since 1) Nixon was basically Trump with a brain 2) McGovern would have likely been a good (or better) president.


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And within a few years Nixon was forced to resign in disgrace, we lost Vietnam, and everyone agreed we needed to be out of there.

In a normal country the popular lesson from this episode would be “wow we fucked up, next time this kind of thing happens we need to support the McGovern candidate”. Instead it has been 50 years of “remember that time the mildly progressive guy was right about everything but lost? well we can NOT let that happen again, so let’s abandon the idea of being right”.


Nah we’d all be speaking rushern and in gulags.

For real though fucking lol this country and lol people.

They’re all gonna beat trump and Bernie will give the greatest beating. Uncle Joe said that quiet part out loud.

The whole “oh noez wat about trump” business was created to attack Bernie! A potted plant would win.

high on their own supply

Lol Trump is so shook by an actual billionaire. He should be praying for Bloomberg to get the nom.


The answer is 8:00 PM EDT btw.

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Not sure if Joe is going to make a pitch for progressives or tell them to vote for Bernie or Trump.

Why not both?

Ready for Bernie to destroy this fool.

Also ready for the media to immediately declare Biden the winner.

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I don’t think Bernie will attack him. He didn’t ever really go after Hillary despite infinity legitimate ammunition. It’s just not how Bernie’s wired.