Democratic Primary Debates

Liz has a long history of being disingenuous. Which, when juxtaposed with her self-righteous anger, makes her a much less convincing messenger of the progressive gospel.

I tend to agree with those that look at her skeptically, and view her as a hypocrite.

Good thing Iā€™m running for President.

Pitch in a few bucks. Whatever you can to help out.

Bernie doesnā€™t think you can be President, chum.

Like, I wouldnā€™t assume he really supports Bernie.

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Sound effects added:


Tim Duncan did a Bloomberg commercial.


It also ran counter to her entire image as a fighting progressive akin to Bernie. I will fight for you and get you your fair share from the billionaires who are pillaging America, except for on healthcare, where youā€™ll get a half measure and youā€™ll like it.

Uhh, no?

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This is really whatā€™s so troublesome to me. Watching and listening to her, sheā€™s so passionate and convincing. Yet, I know her to be disingenuous. Her attempted take down of Bernie is a prime example and that makes it really tough to get behind her. Unfortunately, sheā€™s miles ahead of my next least worse choice. If Bernie doesnā€™t win the nom itā€™s going to be really bad


Someone please help me with my morality here. Ever since Trump won the election Iā€™ve been in a constant state of shock and despair. It is literally ruining the quality of my life and maybe even taking a physical toll. Itā€™s like Iā€™m hoping to wake up and learn that itā€™s all been some surreal dream that heā€™s really the POTUS. We all know what a racist monster and despicable human being he is, but if the establishment usurps the Dem with the most votes and super delegates him or her out of the nomination, It will have destroyed my last bit of faith in our democracy anyway

If that does happen, Iā€™m honestly not sure what Iā€™ll do. Iā€™d never vote for Trump, but I just might stay home or go with a write in. As bad as Trump is, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m in the #votebluenomatterwho camp. Mainly because I donā€™t think we have the time to fuck around with another centrist for 4-8 years. And if we do lose, Iā€™m not going to lie. Iā€™ll get sick perverse pleasure out of watching the Dem party be destroyed. But who am I kidding? The establishment would rather have Trump than a real progressive. Itā€™s a free roll for them. If whoever they shove down our throats loses, theyā€™ll just blame Bernie supporters anyway and theyā€™re not as against Trump. Theyā€™ll at least get to keep their status quo


Maybe someone can talk me into the fact that Iā€™m putting far too much weight into what Sanders can actually accomplish as president? After all, he probably wonā€™t have the senate. If so, then I suppose Iā€™d be more inclined to vote for someone I donā€™t think will be in the best interest of the people, but itā€™ll still be a Dem, which as to be better than any GOP member or Trump

Iā€™m seriously at a loss. I wouldnā€™t call myself suicidal, but Iā€™m so utterly depressed by everything thatā€™s going on. I need a break from news. I need a break from all this. Itā€™s causing me to go insane


warren cosponsored the literal bill in the senate called medicare for all. then she said she was ā€˜with bernieā€™ on m4a. then she moved away from it. pretty cut and dry to me

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Aw man a two-fer with Biden and Bloomer both.

If it looks like Bernie might get fucked, Iā€™m going to be in Milwaukee with a yellow vest

If he does get fucked and its Bloomberg, we blow up the D party and write in Bernie en masse

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editing because I finished reading your post and it got pretty serious.

Just be a good person in your day to day life. This vote doesnā€™t define you.

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Thereā€™s this spot that comes up in sitngoes thats basically a prisoners dilemma mini game. The interesting thing about prisonerā€™s dilemma is that the equilibrium solution totally changes when its a multi-iteration versus a single-iteration. So I kind of view these ā€˜leftā€™ politics in this light that if the ā€˜leftā€™ party is not really a party of reform then they deserve to lose. The reality is that if the clintonite wing of the party ruins another election the old party will die and the new online zoomer generation will take over for a number of reasons. Thereā€™s not just one immediate lessor-of-two-evils election at stake. FWIW, Chomsky seems to consistently disagree with this viewpoint so its entirely possible that its wrong.

Itā€™s futile to be depressed by things you canā€™t control. That sounds flippant, but itā€™s an important truth. Imagine if you spent all day being depressed over the millions of past victims of like, wars and the bubonic plague. Those things happened in the past, but they still involved real people suffering. Itā€™s not any more useful or rational to worry about the state of the planet in the present day, over and above whatever you can reasonably personally do about it.

I think for anyone who is my age, give or take 5 years or so (Iā€™m 40) our developmental years involved a brief lull in feeling like the planet was on a rollercoaster ride to hell. Prior to that there was WW1, the Great Depression, WW2, the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation, then there was a time between the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9/11 where it seemed like the developed world at least had its shit together. 9/11, the rise of climate change, the failure of neoliberalism and, frankly, the internet as a hostile force in the world have combined to give the impression of disaster. Iā€™m still not sure this is a particularly bad time to be alive, weā€™ll see how bad climate change gets, but weā€™re not all feudal peasants or slaves or conscripted soldiers, so thereā€™s that.

Maybe stop reading about this shit and go take some more hikes or play some sport or something. Youā€™re talking like youā€™re in personal crisis when the reality is none of the Trump saga has probably personally affected your life at all in any material way, at least not yet. Like newsflash about your vote, it doesnā€™t matter even one iota what you personally do with it, itā€™s completely meaningless. If itā€™s a source of worry to you then itā€™s a sign that youā€™ve totally lost touch with what matters and doesnā€™t.

If people want to consider leaving the country, thatā€™s something else, but even then step 1 is to get calm enough to think it through, otherwise youā€™ll be incapable of making a rational decision.


Girl who used to let me PIIHB 25 years ago has some thoughts.

Makes you think




up for a game of bridge some time?


Iā€™m going to go ahead and tell you that itā€™s okay if youā€™re not. Everyone has different priorities. Figure out your priorities and vote accordingly. If that means you vote a different way from me, then so be it.

Iā€™ll admit that the thing that makes me think is PIIHB followed by a guy named Rimmer.

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