Democratic Primary Debates

pete said he’d assassinate basically anybody on earth if someone told him to


Don’t get caught at your next debate unprepared. Next time, choose America’s favorite pre-debate beverage.




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Having a beer with Klob would mean watching her drink her beer and yours.


I’ve moved on to celebrating every idiotic anti-progressive media opinion piece.

Steyer strikes me as a 2020 version of Ross Perot. Like a new, updated T1000 edition.

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I guess I’m just saying this because I think it’s being mean to skydiver, but calling him GOPete and Mayo Pete are both pretty apt satirical comments, but the rat face stuff is bad.


I could not watch the debate, but was wondering most of all about the Bernie and Liz dynamic. Seems like they at least didn’t fight?

Liz attacked Bernie. She said everyone on the stage other than her and Klob were billionaires or took super PAC money

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Guys, progressives are gonna need the Warren stans and the Mayor Pete stans in our coalition if we’re really gonna stop Trump. Just sayin’. We’ll probably need some of the YangBangers too.

The Rat Face should vote blue no matter who

Many Pete supporters would no doubt vote Republican if Trump wasn’t on the ticket, and some probably still will. I went to the Pete subreddit after Iowa was 100% just to see what they were saying and one of the threads with a lot of positive comments was about Romney being an ideal VP for Pete.

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She kinda took a shot at him. Saying " me and amy are the only two on the stage who don’t take money from pacs " Seems like she was kinda pointing at Bernie when she did it.

He didn’t say anything bad about her even after that, and said he’s united with every candidate to beat Trump.

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Like what is she doing? Does she think anyone is going to be fooled and think bernie is taking dirty money? Like shes going to steal some Bernie supporters with this?

I really like Liz but her political instincts are so, so bad.


That and having no scruples.

That paired with another theme of needing a Washington outsider lol.

What’s the story anyway of how a 30 year old mayor of South Bend mounts this kind of campaign? Is there even a precedent for something like this? People who come out of nowhere are usually like relatively new US Senators or Governors of smaller states.

High hopes


And yet he’s still more honest than Pete.