Democratic Primary Debates

I hate everyone regardless of gender, race, or religion.

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No one has the power to nuke your Account atm, especially me lolā€¦ That would be rather unfair on the community :v:
@Zikzak May, if you decide to leave us for good have a tool to wipe your posts and dataā€¦ I think itā€™s a hard job to wipe everything.

Itā€™s a tough stance to take and all I ask is you think it over for now and Ignore his posts, even if you refrain from posting or continue.

Iā€™m sure we as a community can work it out.

Trueā€¦I can dream though. :rofl:

:point_up_2: Thereā€™s better shit to be angry about than Muffin popping his head up every now and again.
Iā€™m sure heā€™s taking note though for that book. /s

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Look. Iā€™ve gone over it a few times. Probably not much else to say. We are looking at the same set of posts and seeing different things.

You seem happy watching a bunch of dudes

  • run through the GOPs play book on how to defend yourself from sexism
  • ignore or handwave away actual sexist shit
  • act SHOCKED that progressive men could EVER have sexist bias, especially if they have a female friend
  • strawman and gaslight anyone sees a problem

Im not.

Iā€™ve said it like 5 times. Of course thereā€™s legitimate ways to criticise warren. Thereā€™s been a lot of that in this thread, including by yourself. I just donā€™t get the willful blindness to the fact theres other shit going on.

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The only strawman and gaslighting seems to be coming from you.





This is a ridiculous post. Nobody knows what was said in that room except Warren and Sanders. What we can go by is character assessment. Youā€™d have to have lived in a cave not to know that Sanders has stuck up for womenā€™s rights and encouraged them to strive for more power including being able to become president for over 40 years. This isnā€™t speculation. Itā€™s goddamn fact

Warren (or her team) fucked up. Itā€™s that simple. They find themselves slipping in the polls and are pulling desperate attempts to attack Bernie who has pulled ahead of her. See the part in the debate where she makes a fool of herself subtracting 30 from 2020. That came straight from her team to hit Bernie on that. Unfortunately, Bernie is too nice to say what he should have said. That he was beating Republicans when she was still a Republican herself.

Iā€™m so sick to death of Bernie supporters getting trashed for stating fucking facts. People want to know why weā€™re a pissed off bunch. Itā€™s because MSM and the establishment has been using every sneaky underhanded tactic in their power to make him irrelevant since 2016


This might sound sexist too, but anyone else concerned by Warrenā€™s deer in the headlights look after Bernie corrected her math and that Trump might wipe the floor with her? I mean you could see the chipmunks in her head trying to subtract 30 from 2020. I donā€™t believe itā€™s sexist because I never felt that way about HRC, Gabbard, or even Klobuchar. They all seem much more steely and resolute, while Warren seems shaky and a bit wishy washy to me. Sheā€™s also tried more than once to embellish or exaggerate her record and got caught and didnā€™t handle it well. Iā€™m not totally doubting Warrenā€™s progressiveness, but I do worry how sheā€™d fare in the trenches against Trump. I have zero fear about Sanders, Gabbard, or Klobuchar

Yeah, she really lost points w me in that last debate and her tactics backfired. She has her managers to thank for that. I blame them more than her

I think that exchange came over bad from both of them, it was kind of nitty, but it probably doesnā€™t matter at all. My concern with Warren has always been that sheā€™s a dork and might look like one on stage next to Trump, but who knows. Itā€™s very hard to game out what debates will look like against Trump because heā€™s such a loose cannon. I think the only nominee I feel good about debating Trump is Sanders. Biden too if his brain holds together, but thatā€™s the big question, obviously.

Truly incredible stuff. Apparently this ā€œbody language expertā€ is a Trump supporter and is frequently on Fox.


You mean the thing there are multiple videos of Biden saying, including one during a Senate session? Iā€™m not sure you know what ā€œlyingā€ means.



I change my number 3 to Marianne.


Iā€™d get a kick out of voting for the candidate most likely to create the Department of Crystal Healing

yo dog i heard u like posts in your posts


I think she actually doesnā€™t think you have support war and sanctions that kill hundreds of thousands of people in order to be considered a serious person, so thereā€™s some reason to put her in the top 3 or 4 or 2.


I donā€™t get it. How does Bernie come off looking bad? Warren once again tried to falsely embellish her record. Bernie corrected her and was nice enough not to point out that she was still a Republican when he beat one LESS than 30 years ago

If there even is a debate. I"d say itā€™s even money. Why should Trump debate anyone when heā€™s got Twitter and MSM trained to repeat every lie he tells as well as FB allowing lies in political ads?

I agree with this, but also think Klobuchar and Gabbard would fair well against Trump. I think Yang would too if only because heā€™s the only one who could get away with completely ignoring Trumpā€™s rhetoric and talking facts

Biden might look good on paper, but when you think about it, heā€™s got the same problems as Trump. Heā€™s already becoming senile and unpredictable. His family has their own corruption problems. Heā€™s an old fashion curmudgeon who says stupid things like weed is a gateway drug. He wouldnā€™t improve this country much at all (I suppose ending child prison camps is enough though) and I think heā€™d be a disaster president. He is exactly what we donā€™t need right now imo

Does WN have a burner account here?

I donā€™t think ā€œI have a history of supporting women for leadership positionsā€ = ā€œI have a black friendā€ or ā€œI have a female friend.ā€ Sliiiight difference.

Seems like a lot of people had anachronistic on ignore, not that they ignored posts they saw, they were literally using the ignore feature and didnā€™t see them. Full disclosure: I almost came out of retirement to respond to some of his sexist shit, but decided against it. Then, of course, I pulled a temporary un-retirement anyway and now Iā€™m going to need to knock it the fuck off soonā€¦ But like if anything, attacking the whole community based on one posterā€™s shitty posts is somewhat comparable to ignoring said userā€™s shitty posts because you assume nobody agrees with them or likes them.

Are people doing this? Or are they just shocked that people with a history of supporting women for leadership positions or even, in the case of Bernie, DEFERRING to women pursuing the same leadership position, could be characterized as sexist?

Donā€™t see any gaslighting going on here, except from the one person trying to paint the entire community as sexist for criticizing the progressive who sold out the other progressive to the benefit of Joe Biden.

Yeah, like he could have said, ā€œWell, itā€™ll be 30 years in November, which currently makes it 29 years and a couple months, oh and by the way, what party were you registered in when I beat an incumbent Republican in 1990?ā€

But, you know, he wants her as his VP AND his Treasury Sec, at the same time, so obviously heā€™s a sexist.

No point in even entertaining Gabbard. I worry a lot about Biden because of his clear cognitive decline. It takes away the ability to contrast him in that regard with Trump. I think Pete would actually do the best, intellectually, but Bernie would do the best in terms of public opinion, which is what really matters. I think Warren would probably beat him worse than Clinton did in the debates, but the polling on who won the debate would still go straight down party lines. Same for Klobuchar.

Basically Bernie would just smash Trump over and over with a populist sledgehammer. Pete would smoke him with a series of logical and intellectual burns and do a good job triggering him to lash out, then staying cerebral. Biden would be trying to smash him over and over with platitudes about what America is supposed to be and how the middle class is so important to him, but heā€™d end up talking about record players and shit and people would just change the channel. Liz would own him a few times per debate, but when he started flailing at her with just totally offensive nonsense, I think she would be more at risk of a misstep (evidenced by her strategic campaign decisions) or just freezing for a few seconds (evidenced by the math thing w/ Bernie). Klobuchar I think would be similar to Clinton, sheā€™d play it pretty close to the vest in the debates, stick to the script, hit him where she can, and it would be clear to everyone with a brain she won, and the other 42% of the country would say Trump clearly won.


Ridiculous, she was trying to get Bernie to realize that 1990 was 30 years ago, which is what she had said in the first place.


really surprised this forum didnā€™t realize and spam that for him it probably was technically something like 29 years 10 months ago, check mate warren.

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