Democratic Primary Debates

Did I miss something in another thread?

These are the types of post I was talking about when i said the sexism radar was going off.

Some are more obvious than others.

Again. As many people have laid out. Racism/sexism etc are often insidious and hard to put your finger on.

Im more open to this stuff after going this multiple times with my Asian gf. Because she constantly gets treated slightly worse, and each time you could argue its not sexist or Racist, but after you see the same thing over and over and over again, you get more attuned to it.

That’s what I’m saying here. Women are telling you this feels gross. And you arent listening.

To be as specific as possible on the issues. Its the

  • massive over reaction to a fairly minor spat
  • hardcore pearl clutching and “how DARE she accuse Bernie of sexism”
  • the use of tropes about betrayal, dishonesty, manipulation etc
  • the “what. We cant attack women without being sexist” defence
  • the “but some of my best friends are women” defence
  • the overall male fragility and instant defensive that anything they are doing could ever be considered sexist.

It’s sexist to not hold women to the same standards as men.

It’s actually worse, and more insidious, than garden variety sexism.

No. You ever so desperately wanting to call Warren a whore then leaving it unsaid as a joke…

That’s worse.

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You joined us after the April schism, right? This is old drama about where we came from and how we came to be an independent community.

She literally played the woman card dishonestly against Bernie.

I’ll say (or imply) whatever I damn well please.

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they’re all liars dude

How many times does he have to hijack this community and turn it into Stormfront Lite before we decide it’s a bad idea to let him in?


Ah. The “but she IS a lying whore.” truth defence?

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How does sexism work? How do we fight against? What we should do would be different with someone who is incorrigible and sexist to their core vs someone who thinks the way I described.

I have a social scientific instinct to describe thinks from a morally relativistic viewpoint. I spend a lot of time thinking about how other people think. Political psychology and topics like cognitive biases are an area of interest for me, moreso than something like horserace politics.

Can’t believe she’s so sexist

Sick goal post shift

This is all good. Not disagreeing with any of it.

But being sexist because of implicit sexist biases and the sexist environment in which we all live… That’s still sexist.

Seriously dude?

It doesnt give you pause that this is the exact same argument RWNJs use when they are accused of sexism?

How many times have you seen the GOP reference a woman saying the same thing as a sexist and then using word for word what you just posted?

Outside of a few specific posts, I’m having a tough time telling the difference between the criticisms of Warren over the past week and the criticism of Buttigieg a couple months ago when he went full GOPete. The vast, vast majority of complaints have been regarding policy and/or horrendous political instincts.


Which specific posts do you think are different?

The reported one from anachronistic that said that “I hope the c*nt dies” obviously.

A few others from that poster too.

I’m struggling to come up with any from other posters here, including the ones you posted.

My 5 year old niece was just running around a corner and I told her to slow down and be careful.

My GF asked if I would of done that if it was my nephew. I said “I don’t know”.


Bernie’s campaign just lied about Biden supporting some Paul Ryan thing just this week.

Sure, by Trump standards not even close but he likes to skirt the truth here and there.

Sounds to me like you’re confusing people being upset that a so called progressive attacked the progressive with the best chance to win the nomination and actually put a progressive in the white house with sexism. People are pissed/emotional because she played dirty politics and in doing so made it less likely a progressive wins and more likely a centrist everyone here clearly hates win.

What’s more likely.

A) Progressives are pissed and emotional because someone who claims to be on their side attacked another progressive and made it more likely a centrist everyone here hates wins.

B) A bunch of progressives are pissed because how dare a woman talk to a man like that!

I’m pretty confident if Warren was still in the lead and clearly the best shot to have a progressive in office and Bernie pulled some dirty politics and attacked her and made it less likely she win and more likely Biden did he would be getting just as much shit here.