cant wait for CNN to tell me who won!
Let’s go do it.
How inspiring
American character is on the ballot.
it sucks.
Pretty hard to see how this debate changes anything. Once again everyone will say Biden had the worst debate. And they’re right. And it won’t matter. He will hover right where he’s been or maybe gain a few points.
I’d love to know what Bernie and Liz just said to each other.
chris cuomo is gonna ask kellyanne conway how the debate went
Bernie and warren appearing to have some kind of mini argument when everyone was shaking hands, whats that about
“Biden did great because he didn’t fuck up too badly”
He has somehow ran out the clock without taking much of a hit for the continuous terrible performances.
Even with Unstuck’s convivial company I feel like this was one of the most frivolous wastes of two hours of my life, and that is saying something
Yeah, that exchange seemed very awkward.
The most speaking time market had a fun flip with Bernie running up a big time lead and getting to 0.90 on pi, only to crash and Warren take it.
Bernie probably like yo you are keeping a progressive out of the White House in 2016 and 2020.
Warren is the progressives’ Ralph Nader. And a much scummier human.
she didn’t deny the story after bernie just denied it on stage. total backstab.
I think Liz refused to shake his hand?
Four people familiar with the conversation agreed that he did say that.
low info voters aren’t watching the debate and biden’s one of only two people they’ve heard of running for dem president is really the only reason he’s the clear favorite.