Democratic Primary Debates

I’m not sure… I think no

I’m skeptical. I also believe you. And I’m skeptical.

Yes. Also, Rudy’s going to jail tonight and Dollar Menu Don’s getting impeached tomorrow for the Mueller Report, then on Friday for the Ukraine stuff.

So, no, it’s not.


I’m voting for whoever said that (unless it was Tulsi).

Holy balls this question was pure AIDS and every one of the candidates managed to fuck it up in special and unique ways.


Pete, you had a long time waiting to consider what you’re about to say. Swing for the fences.

Can’t wait to hear Biden fuck it up the best, though.

Wouldn’t be the completely inappropriate time for Skynet to drop an EMP

Not sure if serious. We are just having a laff.

Oh come on Bernie. McCain?

They’re going to go 0 for 12 on this answer.

Kamala said “apple-lay-chuh”. Cancelled. Ugh.

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This question is like a job interview where they ask “What is your biggest flaw?” and your answer is “I jack off to the memory of John MCain.”


He just probably said the first dead Republican he could think of.

John McCain is everyone’s friend!!

Did anyone bring up Hunter?

Random: It really bugs me that Cory Booker’s voice naturally sounds like it has an overuse of noise reduction on it.

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How much time did they waste with that stupid question having every single candidate give a lengthy reply?


going on 20 minutes plus now i think, its still going

Must be running into the 10s of dollars.

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