Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

To a buncha neolibs?

No thanks, I’ll take McConnell for now.

Until Obergefell (5-4) is overturned :man_shrugging:

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This is the shit we’re dealing with.

Biden camp hasn’t made any effort to hire ANY of the outstanding digital staff from other campaigns, and it shows. Instead we get the Beto guy making excuses.

I have no doubt that the Biden app sucks, but it’s stupid to reference public reviews. There will be a ton of Russian troll negative reviews no matter what.

An app alone is already an improvement over expectations. Oh you want a functional one? Well, ask Iowa first. Though I don’t see how that would make a difference either way anyway. (though obviously they need to do better on the internet than what I’d guess they will)

I’m not sure how much money they got, that’s always a problem, seems unlikely he’s getting hammered with donations atm.

We should have a most effective grifter bracket. psychics vs televangelists vs political consultants etc.

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Known rapist racist war monger Joseph Biden was teaching a class on NAFTA.

“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the DNC and accept that there are only two choices in every election.“

When suddenly a brave savior of the people and destroyer of the 1% holds up a piece of paper.

“How much is this medical bill?”

Biden smirks quite creepily and smugly says

“$300 you stupid communist.”

The student replies,

“Wrong. It’s $50,000. If it weren’t for private insurers, it wouldn’t exist.”

Visibility stunned, Biden drops his chalk and copy of My Life. He stumbles out of the classroom, crying those neoliberal tears, and wanders into a nursing home never to be seen again. The entire class applauds, registers as democratic socialists, and elects the student as President of the United States with unprecedented youth turnout. A great wealth tax is enacted and guillotines fell across the nation.

That student’s name:

Bernie Einstein


No internet team but I heard his shortwave radio game is elite. And you can page Joe at 30330.


Listen Jack, breaker-break good buddy, sometimes ya gotta let Foxy Lady overtake on the outside lane, or what’s Smokey gonna think? Convoy, that was it. And we’re all uh, we’re all in it together. Thank you.


My fellow Americans,

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday. Now, all I’m for is the liberty of the individual, but a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. Everybody that I was in school with–even Corn Pop–had an uncle or father in the law, and I started to realize that I was going to end up writing briefs for about ten years for these fellows who I thought I was smarter than. And I was kind of losing my feeling for that. Life is tough, but it’s tougher if you’re stupid. Gotta know your alpha bravo charlies and your one two threes. But hear you me: I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to other people and I require the same from them. So let me fire the shot heard 'round the world to this foxtrotting scalawag that calls himself the president: young fella, if you’re looking for trouble, I’ll accommodate ya.

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File under least surprising shit ever.

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Biden 2020, ‘Listen Jack, things will only get slightly worse.’ Inspiring message. Ever consider that the people suggesting Biden get his shit together are trying to do him a favor?

Serious question - can anybody clearly describe what Joe Biden is experiencing right now? Like does he just sit in a room with no access to information about the outside world, except for an army of consultants who come in and say here’s some polls showing how we’re doing? I just can’t fathom that his campaign is invisible. I know he’s demented but they should have surrogates all over every form of media.

Bernie is on the much despised Pod Save America podcast today. Very depressing to listen to, in that he is so clear and persuasive. Of course, it’s less depressing when you remember that no one would be giving him any airtime right now anyway, as they broadcast Trump’s nightly shitshows.

And I still don’t understand how Biden won. Like, even if I listen to the conspiracists here, I just don’t understand how the bad guys settled on Biden. The only argument that makes any sense logically is that the eDems actually want Trump to win, but that’s too silly and implausible to consider seriously.


The lesson of 2020: being right isn’t that important, usually.

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The African Americans liked him. That’s literally all it was. The African Americans probably felt that Bernie was never winning the general election in Amerikkka. They probably see most of the things we actively despise about Biden as positives from an electability perspective… And honestly with how the youth turnout went in this primary I think they’re probably right.

Like even with a candidate promising us the moon (and meaning it!) young people didn’t turn out like old people. I suspect that an awful lot of older people who pulled the lever for Biden would have been pleasantly surprised if a massive wave of young voters had shown up to put Bernie over the top… Because that would have made the general a lock.

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I hear your general point, but it still feels overly simplistic. I mean, even in South Carolina, didn’t Biden beat Sanders by double-digits among white voters?

African Americans liking Biden is why the Establishment coagulated on him instead of Pete or Klob. Not splitting the white establishment vote is why they had to pick one candidate. The reason they picked their weakest candidate was his black support.

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Ah ok, I take your point. (lol “coagulated”). Still seems incredibly stupid given Biden’s obvious inability to, well, almost anything at this point. Sigh.