Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

The media did not give coverage to his past instances of racism, in the same way they’re not giving coverage to his current sexual assault allegations and the fact that he is quite obviously deteriorating mentally.

Everything is covered as a horse race rather than actually discussing the candidates and their policies. Even the POLICIES are discussed in terms of whether people will like them and how they poll and how they’ll get passed rather than whether they’re good policies or not. And in the week leading up to SC and the weeks following that, there was a drastic shift in how the horse race was covered, indicating that Biden was the clear front runner. It’s sort of a self fulfilling prophecy at that point.

Like, years of “sure Bernie’s healthcare plan SOUNDS good, but will people actually vote for it? Seems pretty risky” primes a lot of people to buy in to “well, Biden is the only one left and we need a sure thing”.

From living in Baltimore I can also tell you there are a lot of Jim Clyburns out there who have the trust of the black community and in no way deserve it. Being uninformed and susceptible to voting against your self interest isn’t something that’s limited to white republicans in Kansas.


Who preceded Lindsey Graham as senator there? A strident anti-racist, I’ll wager.

Biden also has a pretty famous black friend he can’t be racist.

Does Lindsey poll well with black voters? Serious question.

Any discussion of Biden doing well in the South has to factor in the Clinton and their establishment allies spending years building up connections and a strong ground game with black communities in the South. I assume Joe is getting help from that. I suppose you could argue this is the Clyburn approach on a larger scale.

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I imagine not, but Republicans generally don’t. Just making the point that it’s not as simple as ‘be non-racist, get black votes’.

Everyone on the left side of the fence should care about one thing above all others: beating the fuck out of the GOP. We can settle up the other stuff later.

Some people believe in acting according to categorical imperatives without regard for results. I think we should be more understanding of people who choose that moral path.

We came closer than ever to having a rat-in-flesh as our nominee? Well damn, if that ain’t progress then I don’t know what is!

Speaking as a gay-married person, I was able to marry in spite of Democrats, not because of them. It became politically convenient for them to support gay marriage. Besides, I’d snap-trade the ability to file joint taxes, or the ability to murder people overseas without being in the closet, for the right to have goddamn healthcare!

And like, whoopdie doo, it took humanity longer to mostly figure out what a kindergartener knows (that two people liking each other shouldn’t be illegal, and that non-white people are people) than it took to get to the Moon. Great, now maybe in another 20 millenia after we invent a perpetual motion machine, we’ll figure out that a person’s right to be alive shouldn’t depend on how much money they have! (But it’s actually worse than that because other civilizations already knew these things a long time ago. So progress isn’t even monotonic, which means who knows, maybe 500 years from now we’ll have slavery again, high-tech edition. Fun!)

Forgive me if I’m not enthused about the status quo plan of incremental march to dystopia/extinction.


They know he’s a Democrat. Biden has an advantage among black voters against any non-Democrat.

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I guess you’re going to need to show some work if you’re implying that a Strom Thurmond-grade racist would poll well with black voters in a Democratic primary.


I’m confident they’re aware about Biden’s past with the bussing and the crime bill, but nevertheless, had good reason to back Biden. For them, voting is a matter of survival and I really doubt they would be so reckless as to vote for a racist. Or at the very least, vote for one as dangerous as Trump.

Yes, this is the point you need to be addressing.

I don’t really get why I’m required to “address” the point I myself have made. It’s not a complex point and you’re not a stupid person.

I’ve noticed!


You don’t understand, you just need to raise the CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS of the workers. (And the second they have a scrap of anything they will build a moat around it and act like masters in every way they can.)

Is the sharp decline in abject poverty in China a victory for humanity or a blight on the American working class?


This kinda gives away the game. Not everyone is like this, ie, like you