Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper


I’ll ask here because it doesn’t really belong in the grocery thread. @CanadaMatt3004

Why should anyone in lock-blue or lock-red states vote for Biden?

If you want to signal that both Biden and Trump are unacceptable, then you shouldn’t vote for Biden.

If you want this election to be perceived as a referendum on Trump where Trump is soundly rejected, then you should vote for Biden to run up the score and maximize how much Trump loses by.


While CA and OK are on the far end of the lock states, after 2016 I don’t believe in lock states anymore. Texas is quickly hurtling towards a purple state. Michigan and Pennsylvania has a strong 20+ year Blue voting history.

I just don’t believe in the concept and I think each vote has more significance to it than a lot of people. I think running up the score against a monster and showing just how widely he is disliked is a good thing.

Lastly, I think the “I’m not voting for anybody because I hate them both Foot Stamp” is childish and self important bullshit when we live in a world of a binary presidential system. Make your choice and pull the lever.


Eh, sorry, not really convinced here.

Lock states are absolutely a thing. You bring up Texas. If Texas is even close, it’s game over because of results in other states.

There is literally zero chance that Vermont (or California or Oklahoma or about three dozen other states) will be the tipping point. And if a message is to be sent, one that says that Biden sucks, but Trump sucks worse (which is effectively what a write-in for Bernie is) is more important to me than “running up the score”.

I’ll very clearly state that this is not the case for people in several states. If I lived in Wisconsin or North Carolina or Arizona, I have to act like my vote may literally decide the election and act accordingly.


I don’t think a write in vote for Bernie helps anyone. It pisses off the Party Loyalists and that’s not going to push them away from their Party Loyalty. Not that that can be stopped, but if I had my druthers I’d have people do just about anything other than vote Bernie as a protest. Write in vote for the Revolutionary Communist Party or something and make them wish you voted for Bernie.


But when it comes to insulin or chemotherapy, fuck you!


The fuck kind of world do we live in where that needs to be not just clarified but presented as an opinion?

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Let me be clear: No one should have smoldering embers jammed into their eye sockets.




And Fox to actually get this shit stated plainly:

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hahah yeah, never let your spouse cut your hair at home

oof is right

Is there a Biden v Trump thread yet?

Man I don’t know how Trump doesn’t already have ads running on loop of Joe Biden saying he has “no empathy, give me a break.”

“There’s an old expression my philosophy professor would always use from Plato,” said Biden.
‘The penalty people face for not being involved in politics is being governed by people worse than themselves.’

Well he was right about that at least.


Why Sanders failed

Cliffs: It’s an identity based world and we’re just living in it

Less reliant voters didn’t activate in large enough numbers

Rural, poor, whites think more in identity than class so weren’t interested in Sander’s policy

The core constituents of the Democratic base are less ideological than they are partisan. They like the Democratic Party as an institution and Sander’s “outsiderness” turned them off