Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Can someone with a logical brain please answer a question for me?

Many ITT have claimed that supporters of candidates who failed should be angry, livid, or uncontrollably outraged at those candidates for failing. Why was I not more angry at Pete? Why isn’t @alex calling for Liz Warren’s head?

If we are going off the assumption that this should be the way of things, then why the hell aren’t you all more upset at Bernie? Why are you not livid that he failed in his campaign? Why aren’t you outraged that his staff fucked this up and apparently had a strategy that fell apart when one or two players fell on grenades? What blindness led his team to not even consider the possibility that the center would coalesce early?

Oddly, I’m more angry at Bernie’s campaign than I am at Pete’s. Pete ran an incredible campaign. He hit a triple off a Luis Castillo changeup. Bernie batted 8th, swung and whiffed off a floater right down the middle, and now we’re left with a .057-avg pitcher at the plate with 2 outs and a full count, when we’re down by a run.

Introspection and logical thinking…too much to ask?

also, I miss baseball

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I don’t know why Pete supporters would be mad at Pete. He realized he wasn’t going to win and endorsed the candidate with the best chance who was most ideologically aligned with him. He’s put himself in a good position for political advancement. Quite an achievement for a young mayor from a moderately small city and a win for his faction in the Democratic Party.


Meh. If you were a Liz fan who thought that she and Bernie were really very close on policy and that advancing that policy was more important to her than her standing in the Party, I could see being disappointed in her.

It’s not about being a baby, it’s the definition of politics. Wanting to work with people that are willing to work with you.

That’s not the definition of politics.


I meant in his heart of hearts, not what his campaign platform is. We’re in agreement.

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Why not start to the left of M4A and compromise to M4A?

Because you’ll lose elections.

After you win, of course.

Maybe you missed my postscript,


this is bananas.

I literally said what that thing could be in the next sentence, and we were only talking about her releasing that specific wonk plan at that specific time.

I’ve been literally offering up alternatives to “her being a snake who dreamed up her whole campaign as a way to destroy him.”

I mean, what on earth do you think this means:

That was only me, first mentioned last night. Please don’t give these dirtbags credit for my sweet takes.

And it’s not for failing, it’s for campaign actions. If the roles were reversed, yes, I’d be livid at Bernie.

That’s almost too dry even more me.

Man I would rather slam my dick in a car door than re-litigate Liz Warrens campaign. Come on people.


Why do I feel like they’ll still be at this when the general election is over.

What else are we going to talk about? How many people has Biden raped?

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Biden seeming to get a pass for some rapey shit would be a lot more interesting, sure.

I’ll start paying attention to that when Sanders brings it up himself. How disappointed are you that Bernie is not doing that?

Complaining about people talking about whatever is not particularly effective. If you want it to stop, try talking about chicken sandwiches.

I told myself I was gonna be nice today after last night but now the lord is testing me with Trolly’s black hole of stupidity.

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