Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

¿Y tuyos?

The smart play would have been to neither reject nor advertise the Rogan endorsement. The Rogan bros have already got the message, Tweeting out that your campaign is supported by a toxic yambag isn’t a thing that’s going to get anyone hyped.

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I dunno at proudfather dipshit


Bernie nabbing Rogan supporters with a non political position hook of authenticity is exactly what you want just like Trump hooked a lot of people who’d never vote for explicit GOP positions into voting GOP with his good businessman shtick.

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What language was that?

I’m beginning to think the Klob flair isn’t ironic.


My hair is indeed shaking with righteousness


Lol Ezra Klein compared Obama publicizing an endorsement from Colin Powell in 08 to Bernie’s Rogan tweet.

I think there might be a slight difference in the politics of Obama, considered weak on foreign policy and running against war hero John McCain shouting from the rooftops about a republican 4 star general supporting him and and a man running in a party where men are a minority except in leadership publicizing support from this guy

Edit: Not meant to be a reply to hue.

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A Republican 4-star general who played a starring role in lying to the world in order to launch a war that has killed at least a million people and led to probably more than 30 million refugees. Great endorsement.


Right, the idea that Joe Rogan is somehow a worse person than Colin Powell, jesus fucking christ


I’ll have to hear Colin Powell’s views on transgender athletes first.

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Rogan is disgusting but the whole thing is amusing to me. Centrist dems are always convinced they’ll get the vote of the Rogans of the world by triangulating their policy positions and insisting they aren’t one of those democrats (ie. they will back down on every controversial issue).

Meanwhile, surprise, surprise swing voters are more likely to go with the person who is maybe far to the left or right of themselves when the candidate shows both confidence and determination in his beliefs.

Its like expecting the woman to choose the guy who is trying to woo her by feigning interest in her favorite TV shows and music and altering his personality etc… over the guy confident in himself and who he is.

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Rogan has been the sort to oppose identity politics, political correctness, and “SJWs”. (See, for example, his opposition to Milo Yiannopoulos being banned on Twitter.) There’s certainly a chance that he says something in the future that will cause the Sanders campaign to want to distance itself from him. Will there be people in the media or otherwise who try to goad Rogan into talking a lot on these issues in the hopes that he will say something embarrassing?

I’m trying to figure out why Rogan wants to support Bernie. It doesn’t seem to be based on any policies. It seems to be more that he likes Bernie as a person. It’s the whole “who would you rather have a beer with” criterion. Bernie’s nicer than Trump and doesn’t trigger Rogan’s distaste for identity politics. Is Rogan just going for the not-Trump who makes him feel like he’s not being attacked for any heterodox views he might have on race or gender? Am I wrong, or is Rogan the kind of guy who probably thinks that accusing people of racism is as big of a problem as racism?

Which just goes to my claim that narrative matters more than policy. People who keep touting that specific Democratic policies poll well just don’t understand this point. A lot of people decide who to vote for based on who they think is most in line with what they consider to be “common sense”. The problem being that a lot of people are morons and their idea of common sense is rubbish.

Does this suggest that the most potent line of attack on Trump is to point out that he is a narcissist and a liar instead of noting that he is a racist and a sexist? I like pointing out that Trump cheats at golf and eats well-done steak because he’s no different from other Republicans when it comes to matters of race and gender, but he is significantly worse than other Republicans when it comes to his honor, integrity, and taste.

New NYT poll of Iowa. Looks like Bernie has it in the bag. Very likely that a win of this size in Iowa ends with him being the nominee.


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I feel like this too big of an understatement to go ignored. Rogan is obsessed with “SJWs” and the “blue-haired woman on Twitter” saying there are 13 genders. Last time I saw a bit of one of his podcasts he joked out of nowhere that male feminists are “betas” with messed up brains.

Rogan is really fucking toxic and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that his podcast has been a significant gateway to the anti-“SJW” wing of the alt-right.


This thread is exactly why the Dem party sucks and is getting their ass kicked everywhere that matters.

Hey look it’s a chance to bring Rogan and tens of millions of a very mixed political crowd (i get that they are mostly white guys but they are not even close to all alt-right and there are listeners on all sides of the political spectrum) into the progressive fold. YOU LITERALLY HAVE TO CEDE ZERO POLITICAL/MORAL GROUND HERE, JUST DON’T MAKE IT A BIG FUCKING DEAL FOR ONCE GETTING ON YOUR HIGH HORSE EVISCERATING SOMEONE FOR EVERYTHING YOU CAN FIND. Nahh fuck that lets completely alienate them by calling them alt-right and proud boys. By Rogan’s next podcast he will be walking this back saying he was just considering Bernie not endorsing him. He will also, rightfully so, have a huge chip on his shoulder against the left. So good job, you made an enemy out of one of, if not the most, influential media figures of 2020.

It’s literally like some of you guys want to lose. You would rather be “right” than fight a winning fight. Fuck off.


It is pretty remarkable that every cycle we hear about how the moderate Dem du jour can pick up disaffected moderate Republicans from Virginia and the Philly suburbs, and that’s held up as the fucking reason we NEED to elect them. But when a gross podcast host says he likes Bernie, this is the reaction.

Like, what kind of people did everyone think those Main Line Republicans for Clinton would be? And the argument in 2016 wasn’t just that it would be nice to pick up those votes, it was that we needed a candidate who actively catered and appealed to those people. Being too liberal might scare them off!

All of these attacks are just so fucking transparently dishonest.