Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Trump v. Biden really might be the death blow to my will to care.


Anyone watching this NYT endorsement crap? It should be halfway through I think?

Link? They’re televising their endorsement? Lmao the hubris


For those of you who don’t follow the Predictit thread, there’s been an enormous surge in the Klob market. Recently, there was a similar surge in the “will Steyer qualify for the debates?” market a half hour before polls were publicly released. So basically, there is definitely a lot of insider trading going on at Predictit, but also this Klob surge could just be trolling.

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Wouldn’t surprise me at all if it’s Klob, that would be the most NYT thing to do possible.


The New York Times’s editorial board is veering sharply away from its traditional closed-door endorsement process for Democratic presidential aspirants, conducting interviews with the 2020 Democratic contenders on the record and airing parts of the discussions — along with the board’s final decision — on its FX show, “The Weekly.”

I think it’s on now, not sure tho.

This may be the most absurd, hubris-laden, self-important bullshit the NYT has ever pulled. And I mean, by the standards of the NYT, that’s really saying something. Not watching, I assume it’s Brett Stevens and Bari Weiss sniffing their own farts for an hour and commenting on the bouquet. I’ve spent time in academia, I’ve never witnessed any class of people who think much of themselves and their lazy opinions.

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The Times hasn’t yet decided whether to take a similar approach with its general election endorsement, Kingsbury told staff, as editors will assess whether readers find this new approach “informative or overwhelming.”

Going to go with neither.

Quick poll whether you guys find the NYT’s approach either informative or overwhelming. Because those are definitely the only two responses people will have to this.

  • Informative
  • Overwhelming

0 voters

Bracing myself for the NYT to endorse “the word ‘Moderation’”.

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Thinking that is why I bet a little on klob at 5/6. Tilting seeing this rise, could’ve legit won a good amount oh well.

weird IA poll, bernie 10% to trigger all of you

obviously this poll is certainly skewed to old people digging through it. (also 5% trump, don’t ask, also half of that wasn’t olds oddly enough or trolls)

but it’s great for biden obviously if bernie doesn’t get to 15 in his areas and either klob/pete don’t get there. Warren beating out bernie in those areas is fine for him at least for now.

that said, this poll biden dropped a lot from their previous one but he only has to hold out

That poll is a joke, massively skewed to old people and also:

Excludes first-time caucus-goers, which by some estimates will be 30% or more of total caucus-goers.

lol, I was wrong. They endorsed Warren AND Klobuchar. And that really was:

I know some of you want Joe, some of you want Liz, some Bernie, and some Pete and that you’ve all been arguing with each other so much that you hate each other’s guts by now. How about you all just vote for Amy? You may not get exactly what you want, but neither will those bastards.

I’m Amy Klobuchar and approve this message.


All the way with Amy K!

They’re definitely not sexist.

They definitely won’t be cancelled.

(Matt Christman yelling voice)