Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

No idea, but I don’t think it would work that way even if Biden died. Maybe if he died tomorrow.

Bernie needs a majority of delegates to win in the “Biden dies” scenario. He won’t win a brokered convention. After a few more primaries, it will be numerically impossible for him to get a majority of delegates. Even if Biden dies tomorrow, some establishment Dem will step in to pick up the NeverBernie vote, and they’d only have to win like a third of the vote to force the brokered convention.

They’re never nominating Bernie. If grandpa Joe dies they’ll run Hillary, or maybe Klob.

i am once again asking for complete super tuesday delegate counts. anyone who says the democratic party is too incompetent to run elections is 100% correct


Man the more I see and hear from people that had to deal with the primaries here in Chicago the more I despise the Democratic Party. Just self serving pieces of shit

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GG dems. Nominating a racist, sexist, senile old conservative to pwn the Republicans.

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Trump already outflanks Biden from the left on several issues. They’re going to absolutely pound him on his involvement in the crime bill, his remarks on cutting SS, veteran benefits, medicare, and play his lies over and over on a loop 24/7 until Nov 4th. And if a UBI program somehow gets thru and he passes a moratorium on mortgage and rent payments and dare I say… implements some type of M4A during this crisis, we can all just hunker down through a Trump 2nd term

I can’t for the life of me see how eDems gave us such another shit candidate, but they did and if any of what I outlined above comes true, they will have handed Trump a 2nd term. And of course, neo libs are already trying to set the stage to once again blame progressive voters for not falling in line and voting for another shitty candidate, but they’'re gonna own this!


Many factors are at play, but one of my great insights (I have a lot of them, ldo) as I have advanced from young adulthood to middle age adulthood is that leaders of institutions primarily serve themselves. When I was a young person and believed in things, I thought that institutions served the public in accordance with their mission statements. Over time I kept being perplexed by obvious terrible and contradictory decision making occurring at institutions. How could that be? What do they know that I don’t know?

Well, for most of my adult life now I have worked at a management consulting company in various roles. One of the first things they teach you in management consulting is to know your client and what their interests are. Developing this as a skill was very valuable because as I worked as a consultant for many large organizations what became apparent was that the people in charge of those institutions had their own goals, mostly career advancement, that often ran quite contrary to the goals of the organization. Sorry if this sounds overly cynical but when you get paid to help someone attain their goals you find out very fast if you do not understand their goals. They will tell you (or fire you).

Anyway, viewed through this lens the actions of the eDems make sense. Just like many large organizations, they have to establish some ground rules for climbing to the top. You need to “play the game” to get ahead. So while the eDem leaders will say that their goal is to nominate a candidate to beat Trump, at a granular, daily level they will actually make choices to line themselves up for personal advancement in the party. It sucks, but people have to make a choice between doing what they know will help their individual career vs. taking a gamble that might not even work.

The irony, of course, is the Dems have had more success in elections when they buck the party’s inclination to reward candidates that call in favors. B. Clinton and Obama won. Gore, Kerry, H. Clinton lost. But what about the party leaders themselves? Did the people that lined up to support Hillary, for example, get punished for that? Or are their careers going just fine? I think we all know the answer.

It really sucks to be cynical but sometimes it’s the only way to understand the dynamics of power. It’s also probably part of the reason why young people line up behind candidates like Sanders - they still think (as I did when I was their age) that the party exists mostly to help the public. Sadly, the power figures in the party are just as likely or more likely to help themselves first and any benefit to you is strictly incidental.


Won’t fucking preview Miami Herald :expressionless:

More Dems voted in this primary in FL than in 2016


Bernie’s had it with the bullshit


If that’s an exact quote, I NEED to hear that audio.

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Wow over 9k already

I think he even said, “I’m dealing with a fucking global crisis”. Or maybe that was just paraphrasing by someone. That doesn’t sound like Bernie

Is it me? Or is Trump and the GOP out flanking Democrats on the left?! Romney and at least one other Republican senator coming out for $1k UBI? Mnuchin stating from the podium they want to get checks into people’s hands immediately all the while Pelosi says to only help those worst impacted? Oh man… Biden is going to lose in a landslide if they pull this off!!


The only person I’m more sick of than Pelosi is Trump. She’s good for a meme but that’s all. She reps one of the most liberal areas of the country but you’d never know it

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Elections are something we should accept some risk to do on schedule.

Keep in mind that whether to delay primaries is more about downballot stuff than the Dem Presidential race.

Dying to own the libs

This health crisis may provide additional impetus to avoid a transfer of power. It might seem superfluous to a lot of people, something better left undone as we need to be narrowly focused.

In theory, the Dems would put a more competent network in place, but nah.

Why isn’t everyone talking more about this?! Jfc man… Pelosi wants to help companies with +500 workers. What about all the smaller companies?! How is it that fucking REPUBLICANS are offering better plans to Americans than the fucking Democrats led by Pelosi!!!

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Other supposed lefties on here are pissed because she’s NOT helping companies with over 500 workers. Y’all realize the Republican Party is more than those two people right? Much McConnell, Pelosi’s counterpart is an absolute fucking ghoul and is the actual reason more progressive bills aren’t getting passed, and y’all can’t stop talking about Pelosi and seriously think the Republican Party is actually further to the left than the Dems. You’re falling for their bullshit, amplifying hollow messaging of empty-suit, inconsequential party members over actual bills that Pelosi’s House has passed that McConnell won’t take up. Y’all need to get a fucking grip.