Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

One of the key groups last time was people who viewed both candidates negatively. Trump won them by a pretty decent margin but I can see Biden winning them this time.

There isn’t. If there was, he/she would have run in this primary.

I guess I mean eventually. All is pretty much lost for the near-term future for progressives at this point.

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Also Democratic Socialism. It’s not clear that term is even accurate for what someone like Bernie Sanders believes and ya know…Stalin and those guys kinda hurt the brand.

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Agreed. Bernie is unique in American politics. He can likely only exist in a small state. And him being this popular is an accident from a series of mistakes the Dems have made.

There are very few Bernies because of what we are seeing right now. The full force of the establishment is used on these people early so very few of them make it through. And a bunch of those who do were insincere and corruptible.

Anything is possible. I definitely don’t know anything. Just my fees

I do think he’s off when he says Sanders didn’t reach out to minorities. He racked up high counts to majorities in several minority groups, but he lost poorly in African Americans. There could be an additional variable that outreach is tied up into working within the Democratic Party and so you need both in order to get those African American votes.

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It’s literally because Joe Biden has no principles which allows him to serve his corporate overlords.

That is, in fact, being better at politics, sure.


Yep this is why Warren had a better branding of her views. It’s also a bad sign for AOC.

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I think if Bernie didn’t run but instead supported Warren from the get go in exchange for a few things she had to campaign on, Biden would have been toast. But I get the feeling there has always been some personal issues between those two.

I’m sure Warren wouldn’t have fucked over any chance for progressive policies for her own personal gain. Oh wait she just did.

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This is like the final scene in Rounders if Bernie was Mike and Biden is KGB. After crashing and burning four years ago, Bernie flops a nut straight and checks it all the way to the end. Except in this deleted alternate ending, Biden has pocket deuces and hits runner runner quads on the turn and river. GG.

It wouldn’t have been beneficial for her to do so if she had the Bernie lane all to her self.

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I’m sure she’d have found a way.

I honestly have a hard time understanding what Americans and esp the Blacks think. Your life is probably shit esp living in the South. So what do you expect of Biden if your livelyhood didnt really change in the last 20-30 years. I was awake shortly at 3am last night and just took a short peak at cnn headlines and couldnt believe it. In fact I probably should stop believing in anything. Most people are just too dumb. I dont have to wonder how Hitler etc happened. People will happily vote for their butcher again and again.


Yep, Pelosi helicoptering in to save a Trump Democrat literally supported by the Koch brothers, the private prison industry and the fossil fuel industry running against Jessica Cisneros, an AOC progressive, is conclusive proof of what the Dirty Ds are doing to anyone w/ a functioning brain cell.

Very sick people!


This is what the R’s did back when Newt was making a name for himself and fucking around on his hospitalized wife. Seems like it was a solid strategy that the dems haven’t tried to co-opt. On a personal level, I’m trying to develop my inner sociopath as I become more disillusioned with the current state of affairs and no hope on the horizon. An experiment of sorts. Just little things like acknowledging moments where I feel empathy for others and tamping those down in the name of science. I need to look for a role model…

Can you provide supporting info that shows the DemE is colluding against AOC? I don’t doubt it for a second, but talk is cheap.

Bro there is 0% chance AOC doesn’t stay in office EVEN IF somehow her seat is gerrymandered. She can just run in another district or run for whatever.

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