Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

At least I picked up some free money shorting Bloomberg. God, people on PI went nuts over him for some fool reason.


Did we ever figure out if Tulsi gets to be on the debate stage?

Quit focussing so much on the presidency. Organize for school board, then town council, then mayors, then governers then senate and house. After that worry about president.

Americans are too obsessed with president.


I wish we could be we’ve ceded so much authority to the executive branch that we have to act accordingly. It sucks.

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Biden “had” far “less” money than Bernie.



Maybe not making sure that they stand in 5 hour lines to vote? Just spitballing here. The establishment doesn’t want the young people to vote, so they make it hard for them to vote. @microbet has made some good points on this too.

Running? Yes. Winning the primary? LOL no.

Fun news, Trump WILL run to the left of Joe on healthcare and he WILL convince a lot of people it’s true. My buddy’s mom is a Trumper and she’s convinced that if Trump wins re-election he’ll put us on Germany’s healthcare system. Why? Because it’s the best in the world in her opinion, and he’s a genius.

The best part about this, wait for it, is that it absolutely won’t matter that there’s no substance to the plan and the GOP won’t have to do a damn thing after the election to fulfill any promises. It’ll be “I’m going to give you the best healthcare ever, top to bottom, the cheapest, the best, all the coverage and all the coronavirus tests you want, and Mexico is going to pay for it! Sleepy Joe likes Obummercare. Do we like Obummercare, people? No? I didn’t think so. Trumpcare, now that has a nice ring to it, right? Doesn’t it? I like that, you will too!”

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Republicans have very successfully run to the left of Dems on the foreverwars, they’re trying to do it with prison reform. The Dems constantly tacking right to appease conservatives has backfired utterly.


Allowing the “Obamacare” to become the accepted name for the ACA was political malpractice. Just another feather in the Dems are so bad at this hat.

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Going into this cycle I was 100% certain Bernie and Warren would form some sort of coalition and whoever was less viable would drop out and endorse the other. I believe that the fact that this never happened was a major factor in the tragedy that is nominating Joe Biden. Not laying all the blame on Warren either–easy to argue that Bernie was too naive/idealistic as usual and made some major strategic mistakes. None of these moves should have been hard to predict from the establishment. Wondering if Bernie should even have agreed to continue debating. Getting booed and heckled by a paid audience in the final pre-ST debate clearly wasn’t a good thing.

I’ll still hold my nose and vote for Joe–but let me be clear. The 2020 election is now over. Begin making plans for at least four more years of Trump, whatever those might entail. But I sure as hell won’t give up or stop fighting for what I believe in. It’s another horrible day for the future of America and the lives of our children. But I still have hopes in a true progressive movement continuing to rise from the ashes of the Democratic Party.


Yup, I remember thinking this at the time although I’m not sure if I ever posted it. Democrats suck at naming stuff. They should have called it the Affordable Universal Star Spangled Awesome Healthcare Act for Patriots Because God Blessed America the Beautiful My Country Tis of Thee Sweet Land of Liberty.

Instead we got Obamacare.

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I think Joe has a shot at winning; he may even be a slim favorite. Really he just has to be slightly less horrible than Hillary and that is a low bar. We’re also drawing live to coronavirus jamming up the economy and Trump having a Katrina moment.

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Yep, great point. If it’s any solace to people here, Bernie would have gotten jack shit done legislatively on his policy issues. If he didn’t have the political savvy to know he had to get Warren out of the race before Super Tuesday, if he didn’t have the strategic wherewithal to be prepared for the field to consolidate on him before Super Tuesday, he didn’t have the ability to get shit done in office other than by executive fiat, which obviously would have been overturned the day he left office.

I think the honest answer is get somebody better than Bernie Sanders. The good news is his policies are a lot more popular than he is.


Sort of, but Wisconsin is tougher to win now than it was in 2016…

I hope you’re right but I’m confident you’re wrong. If even 1% of the dirtbags that choked down a vote for Hillary in 16 stay home it’s over. It’ll be more than 1%. Youth turnout will be awful. I’m not saying literally 0 chance but certainly not more than 5%. Betting markets will be interesting.

Exactly this. Bernie is a deeply flawed candidate in some ways. We have to hope a better version of him is out there.

Also it’s tough to see Biden turning out more voters than Hillary. Especially after being exposed to him nonstop for the next 8 months.
