Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Well the party is an evil institution so have fun losing to Trump


So months and months of open threats from moderates that they won’t vote for Bernie got us to this point. Will one of the vote blue no matter who people tell me how the left is supposed to wield any political power if we simultaneously have to vote for whatever senile racist predatory POS is served up to us on a platter?


Also nice work Pelosi making sure Trump has a loyal democratic house member from a deep blue Texas district. Love to see it.



For me, this is worse than election night 2016.

Back then I thought that the Hillary loss might be the beginning of the end of the establishment DNC ghouls and their horrendous corporatist policies.

Now we’re here. Where is the path forward for any sort of progressivism? I don’t see it. We’re either going to have:

  • 4 more years of Trump and possibly the end of democracy
  • 4 years of Biden’s cognitive decline in full display of the public, which will feature massive losses in 2022 and Trump 2.0 in 2024

Medicare for All is never happening in my lifetime. A liberal Supreme Court is never happening in my lifetime. A year without war is never happening in my lifetime. We’re about to be fucked by climate change. I’m 41, but this is also true if you’re 21.

And as much as people around here like to bash on the 60+ crowd, I’m not going to here.

This one falls on the young people. They didn’t come out. Again. If they can’t be mobilized by climate change threats and Medicare for All and student debt relief and a higher minimum wage, what the hell is it going to take?

And these young people who didn’t come out on Super Tuesday aren’t going to magically show up in November for Joe Fucking Biden, nor anyone downballot from him.

WAAF doesn’t even begin to cover it.




Whelp, they picked an exactly Clinton again. 4 more years is a sealed deal in my opinion. Here’s to hoping that Trump can manage to Gustapo Biden before they print the November early voter ballots. :wine_glass:

DNC: This is the most important election of our lives!

Also DNC: So we need to all rally around a senile old man who isn’t going to be healthy enough to campaign hard in the general and will likely die or slip into full blown Alzheimer’s during his first term.


The thread title is too depressing.

It’s not depressing enough.

When do all those GOP votes for Sanders come in, today?

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A couple of things:

  1. What happens if Biden actually dies from corona? Before the convention, after etc?
  2. Assuming you guys still manage to have free elections in 2024, are we closer to AOC running after yesterday’s votes (assuming Biden loses)?

Hillary 2024

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Yeah not feeling terribly optimistic about AOC 2024 unfortunately. This is a 50 year fight, not four. Just gotta keep grinding.

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Im also curious to know what happens if the nominee dies post convention since we’re drawing kinda live to that. Does the VP nominee replace them or does the party choose someone?

GOPete gets installed.

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Assemble a coalition that can win a primary? Just spitballing here…


Unity ticket: Biden P Bernie VP let the virus decide.