Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

She was running 8% most places and at this point she is a protest vote. She will not break triple digits in delegates at the end of this count and anyone who would still vote for her wasn’t going to vote for us anyway.

Warren should drop out and endorse Sanders ASAP. It’s the only way for progressive policies to win out.

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This was already obvious, but she stayed in hoping for a brokered convention

This shit is so frustrating to me. I remember being a precocious Gen-X high school student and realizing that we needed immediate drastic action on climate change or we’d all be fucked. Fast forward twenty years and there is absolutely no political will for even a token carbon agreement. We are absolutely going to push our planet to a massive ecological collapse because we’re too damn cheap.


What issues would you trade for action on climate change?

Can’t anybody find anything in Rubin’s past to serve as a fake excuse to fire her?

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What’s the point in firing her? They insist on having a conservative in their lineup. Do you think if they replace her in that ideological slot, that the new writer will be any less annoying?

Well he’s gonna get destroyed in Florida so not sure the other states matter.

Looking forward, Joe Biden is the nominee barring a legendary gaffe, epic scandal or illness. I’ll root for the gaffe, otherwise hopefully Biden somehow beats Trump.

I’m almost as depressed as I was on election night. It’s over. Biden wins, Trump wins, four more years, democracy dies, Trump goes for a third term or hands it off to Don Jr.

I’ll convince myself Bernie still has a shot, then get crushed again. I’ll convince myself Biden has a shot, then get crushed again.

This is going to be a brutal year.

Welp. Gg guys. Guess we’re not getting any progress until 90% of people currently aged 65+ die. I will be doing my part by touching my face, not washing my hands and sneezing over anything that an old person might touch. Now that is praxis.


The key is to not have any hope, that way you can’t be disappointed

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New approach:

Biden: How are you gonna pay for it?
Bernie: The real question is how are you and the rest of the establishment going to pay for your campaigns without the millions of dollars in donations from the big pharmaceutical and healthcare companies? That’s why you oppose real change. You’ve got the money, we’ve got the people. My plan saves Americans $2 trillion a year, but it shuts off the corporate healthcare donations to the Biden’s, Pelosi’s and Schumer’s of the world. THAT is why they fight me so hard.

Need to change the title to
Narrator : They didn’t miss.


Let’s be clear. I’m not advocating doing anything more than waiting, but I do wonder about people so depressed over the state of things that they will be more pro-active than not washing their hands. People can make unwise choices when faced with an existential crisis.

This isn’t advocacy; this is prophesy. People are reaching their breaking point and are going to be more open to doing things they used to think were unthinkable. If people can’t attain goals that they care deeply about within the system, some of them will look for ways to attain those goals outside of the system if they don’t respect the system. There are people willing to go much farther than I would ever go.

Right now, I just feel the same sort of emotional detachment that I have when I play poker. The results themselves don’t evoke anything within me. I just care about the accuracy of my analysis. Everything that has happened are things that are in the range of outcomes I foresaw, so I am not depressed. But I could see how, if I were a normal person, I might be angry and I know how people can act out of rage.

We’re going to be seeing more people who are not just depressed but angry and who will act inappropriately out of anger if things continue. I feel like I’m supposed to be worried about that, but I’m not. I think this entire post has been about trying to convince myself that I should be worried since I appear to be predicting that some very bad things might happen.
(OK, MN, ME switched from caucus to primary)

Biden had far less money than Bernie.


That’s not even going to be technically true in a week.