Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

The problem is very simple:

Old people.


We’ll quit if and when Democrats actually fall in line…


Donald Trump was elected to the Presidency less than 4 years ago!

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Almost had a coronary listening to NPR this morning, had been like a year and hopefully never again will I listen to that garbage.

I really don’t understand this impulse to cede populism to the right. It’s elitist and dumb, and your economic interest is much much much more similar to theirs than it is to the ruling class’s.
You really think racism is the only thing racist people care about?

I think having a coronary would be taking the Sanders fandom a bit too far. Maybe just start cultivating a similar accent?

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Like I said, feel free to vote for Trump.

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I guess no one has explained the pro argument for fuming over Mayo Pete at this point in the game. Like, how does this help the cause?

Still voting for Warren, you absolute coward?

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I’ve been on the Bernie train for a while now, but you haven’t answered my question.

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Fuming over Pete in the real world would be a mistake for all the reasons that have been mentioned. Fuming over him here basically doesn’t matter though.

It doesn’t? I’m making a logical point that I don’t think is particularly hard to follow. It’s disingenuous to complain about hurt feelings from online memes while exploiting the primary rules to benefit a political ideology. Presumably if one is supposed to have a thick skin about direct exploitation of the rules, one should also have a thick skin about irony boys on Twitter dot com.

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This is hardly worth responding to, but so many “Bernie or Bust” posters seem to have misread or distorted my post (thus proving my point), that it’s worth addressing.

I wrote:

[quote=“simplicitus, post:6036, topic:860, full:true”]
You and some other posters are proving my concerns about a subset of Bernie Bros time and again in this and other threads. However, as I noted, we need stupid people to be on our side, which is one of the reasons why I think Bernie can beat Trump. Bernie had the highest donor support among waiters and Liz had the highest support among mathematicians. In a popularity contest, you want the support of the waiters. [/quote]

Do I think Bernie supporters are, on average, dumber than Warren supporters, you bet. Hell, I think posts in this forum provide ample evidence. Do I think Bernie supporters are, on average, smarter than Trump supporters, you bet. (You almost certainly think this as well.)

This does not imply that all Bernie supporters are dumb, just that they are, on average, dumber than Warren supporters, who everyone knows are heavily represented by the college educated. Just as Trump “loves the poorly educated,” Warren loves the highly educated. (I’m relying on college vs non-college, which, while a significantly flawed metric, correlates to some extent with brains and understanding of politics and the political process.) If you disagree, come up with some identifiable metic for intelligence and compare Bernie and Warren supporters and argue I’m wrong based on the facts. Don’t just claim I said Bernie voters are all stupid or that blue collar workers suck. If you have to distort someone’s argument to make the point you want to make, you might need to rethink which side of the smart vs dumb divide you fall on.

The anecdote about waiters and mathematics is from a donor analysis I read like 5 months ago that identified the biggest statistical outliers for each candidate’s donors (ie, which occupation most preferentially donated to candidate X in comparison to all other candidates). One of the biggest outliers for Warren was mathematicians, who, on average, are pretty smart. They are also fairly rare. One of the biggest outliers for Bernie was waiters. Now, some waiters are geniuses, and it’s often a relatively short term job for young smart people, like AOC, but on average waiters are not as smart as mathematicians. (If you have contrary evidence, please cite it.) But, there are many more waiters in the world than mathematicians, so if one needs a higher numbers of supporters, one is much better off having the support of waiters over mathematicians. That said, waiters have the same intrinsic worth, qua being human, as mathematicians. I could elaborate further, but it’s hardly worth the effort.

What I will say is that every post I read that quoted or mentioned the post above, including from Riverman (a smart Bernie supporter) distorted my point in order make some BS argument or express a general sense of grievance on behalf of Bernie.

Also, here’s a little point about my philosophy that most people should understand from my decade of posting. I think everyone is basically stupid, including mathematicians, and including me, though some people are stupider or less informed than others. That’s why we’re in this mess in the first place. Even if Trump only got 30% of the 2016 it would still be a huge black mark on the capacity of the human mind, generally speaking, to obtain and process information, and to distinguish true and false and relevant and irrelevant information. We are more like apes than angles in our thinking.


Hey guy, fuck off


So all of the characterizations as bros, sexist, racist, loud, rude, mean, cruel, communist, rape apologist, misfit black girls, #NEVERBERNIE - I assume all of you have been concern trolling the other campaigns about how they’ll never get Bernie voters to support them in the primary now, right?


Dude, you’re like a leftist who hasn’t actually read the books, just listended to the podcasts.

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And you’re the lawyer who has read the books and still comes away a condescending asshole. Just stop with this.


I’m illiterate and this is hate speech

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