Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I stopped after my dealer was busted. I was once picking up at his place and saw a car come flying down the street, pull into a driveway a couple houses down, then floor it as I was leaving. He was raided a week later. Luckily he didn’t have much on him but still.

Well…at least Duke lost


Unbelievable five people signed off on this garbage.

It was a PRIVATE CONVERSATION more than a year ago between Liz and Bernie. If she didn’t leak it she obviously told her surrogates (who leaked it or told others who did) “Bernie said, and I quote, ‘a woman can’t win the Presidential election’.”

At best, she changed the context and spirit of his words in an extremely cynical way because she’s starting to get FUCKING DESPERATE as he is gaining momentum and she’s crashing and burning.

You are truly a sweet child.

Go to a bar, buy beer, drink it slowly making small talk with the bartender. Order a 2nd beer when its done, play a few songs on the jukebox and make the 3rd one Mary Jane by Rick James.

Lol this.

Liz stans need to get lobotomies or whatever Carrie got in Homeland.

Didn’t even know about this poll until now, but it’s literally Occam’s Razor that

Piece of shit liar politician when cornered smears candidate whose fall most likely coincides with their rise.

Bottom line: Liz doesn’t need Hill’s people. She memorized Hillary’s playbook years ago.

Check out the responses

This lie from Liz is more insidious than any Trump lie.

you’re all gonna be triggered with warren favorite as the winner on predictit right now and bernie favored as the loser after this debate.

Low volume though, or I’d probably have gotten a little more of a flier on steyer, the rules of the market are favorable to him.


It’s like he’s a…disciple of Liz!

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Two of the sources are described a people that she talked to shortly after the meeting. In theory, they are a reference for her state of mind at the point in time, in the same way that you can use people who talked to a woman who was a victim of sexual assault a short time afterwards as evidence for her state of mind at the time, even though the event happened several years in the past.

I would not be surprised if Sanders advised Warren not to run in that meeting and that she was motivated to run partly by whatever he said to her.

This race has been kind of boring. I want to see more candidates attacking each other.

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So I’m just going to flag a few of these for trolling and personal attacks. You don’t have to believe me, but it’s not personal, you’re just making the thread worse; to the small extent that I care about the quality of the threads I read, I feel just a tiny responsibility to pick up litter here and there.

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Looks like Liz’s emoji will be the :snake: from now on.

Liz doesn’t have badge flair it doesn’t look like, but I’ll stan her for a bit until she loses. Don’t get it twisted either, if I were in a strategic situation I’d go Bern if he’s the progressive with the best chance, but I can only tell it straight, some of his fans annoy me a lot and annoyed me 4 years ago too. I think I’ve been mostly nice about it this time around.

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Pretty sure anachronism is an actual Russian troll. Statements like “You are truly a sweet child.” It’s just a bit off.

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It’s bizarre, shallow and annoying to give much weight to whether his fans annoy you or not.


no i will not shake your 80 year old white hand #metoo

Warren should have hit Bernie over the head with a folding chair at the end.