Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

there is an actual progressive running for senate in texas. she probably won’t make it out of the primary though.

I mean the Coronavirus does mostly target Olds so…

Florida law gives political parties leeway to decide which candidates can appear on a party’s primary ballot, and the Florida Democratic Party last year chose to include major candidates with national attention and national reach.

Real good use of time and money filing that lawsuit

“Florida is a closed primary state, yet here we have someone who is an independent on the Democratic ballot,” said Gievers. “You can’t be an independent and be a member of the party.”

Bloomberg’s fine because he joined the party in 2018 but Bernie can fuck off after only caucusing with the Dems for 30 years. I hope Bernie kills the Democratic Party and something slightly less stupid takes its place.

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Tough to single out what makes me most optimistic so I’ll paste this whole passage:

Among all registered Democrats and independents, 26% said they would vote for Sanders, while 15% said they were backing Bloomberg and another 15% supported Biden.

Senator Elizabeth Warren and former mayor Pete Buttigieg were each supported by 10% of respondents. Another 4% said they would vote for Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and 3% said they were supporting billionaire philanthropist Tom Steyer.

The poll showed Sanders’ lead over the rest of the field has grown in each of the last three weeks, hitting double digits for the first time in the latest survey.

He also has increased his share of support from African Americans in the latest poll. When asked which candidate they would support in their state’s nominating contest, 26% said they would vote for Sanders, up 7 points from a previous reading conducted Jan. 29-Feb. 19.

Another 23% said they would back Biden, down 10 points from the last survey, and 20% would support Bloomberg, a rise of 10 points.

Meanwhile, after Sanders’ definitive win in last week’s Nevada caucuses, 26% of registered Democrats and independents now see the senator from Vermont as the most electable of the party’s presidential candidates. Another 20% said it was Bloomberg and 17% said it was Biden.

Among all registered voters, including Republicans, 47% said they would vote for Sanders in a hypothetical general election matchup, while 40% said they would vote for President Donald Trump. Biden also has a 7-point advantage in support if he were the nominee, and Bloomberg would have a 4-point advantage.


lol Pete.

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I am allowing myself a maximum of ten seconds now to fantasize about Bernie destroying Trump in a landslide electoral college victory

Imagine if diehard red/Trump States voted for Bernie

Okay that’s been twenty seconds but dayummmm inject that straight into my veins

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If Rodgers and Giannis endorse Bernie we can win Wisconsin




Lol at his team running and ducking like they’re in a fucking war zone.

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Top reply on that tweet of Pete being dragged, at least for me:

Anyone who dislikes Pete can just be dismissed as a Bernie Bro.

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Looks like magical black women will come to save us. Well not so much magical as rightfully pissed off and unwilling to put up with bullshit.


Because you can never watch this too many times. And Bernie just tweeted it. His campaign pushing this type of content is good.


not sure how you could stay in the race as a democrat after being chased away from something like this

Early voting has been getting bigger steadily. Some percentage of that is just cannibalising the polling-day turnout. Good sign, though.

Hitler famously ran on a platform of legalizing Marijuana.

Somebody got called to the boss’s office.

Remember when people thought this dude was awesome because he would go on MSNBC and talk shit about Trump?