Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

At this point how is 3M spread that thin supposed to help her? She’s becoming just a vehicle for the consultant grift.

Otoh hanging in until Tuesday and facepunching Bloomberg the whole time is probably worth it.

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Buffet talking about the golden goose while the dow plummets right next to him is an amusing juxtaposition.

Right, Mini Mike said that Xi isn’t a dictator because he has to answer to a constituency, and I pointed out that that was a dumb thing to say because even the worst dictators have to answer to a constituency. How could that be interpreted as anything other than critical of Bloomberg’s comments? I’m truly mystified. Did you think I was approvingly referencing the great men Hitler, Saddam, or Stalin? lol?

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Given the levels of violence democracies are happy to be handing out around the world then I honestly don’t see a difference of kind in the overall system here. Certainly in the style of constituency, though, so maybe we agree.

Ya OK I missed the nuance my bad. That said, let’s try not to conflate the idea of support of the populace with support of the thugs used to suppress said populace.

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Democracies kill a lot of people who live outside their borders. Dictatorships kill a lot of people who live inside. I don’t get why, but a lot of people think the latter is much worse - that brutal dictator kills “his own people”.

Agreed pretty much, though I almost said something like that, then figured that if I were not white I might have a different perspective again.


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60%?! Let’s goooooooooo


So like this 60% number is one of the reasons I’m not at all on team WAAF. I mean are there really a lot of NEW trump voters? The bulk of this has to be pissed off new dem voters. How likely is someone thinking “yeah I didn’t bother to vote in 2016 but now I’m going to show up and vote trump”? Really?


God damn it Beto why did you not run against Cornyn


Yeah… in Texas Bernie’s sort of soft on guns history is a significant edge. Beto pretty much blew up his career in Texas for 5+ years going after guns as hard as he did. I think Texas will go blue, possibly in 2020, but I don’t believe for a second its gun crazy culture is going anywhere.

That and I think we are seeing other manifestations that indicate what otherwise might not seem connected.

Weinstein is going to prison for rape. Bloomberg is STRUGGLING with this NDA stuff. Meaningful consequences are happening for awful men of celebrity beyond hey go shut up for a year and then we will forgive and forget. Bernie is showing people that we no longer have to give rich people everything they want and just hope they give us 1% of what we deserve.

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I got an email from the DNC asking for $$ before the FEC Feb deadline. I responded asking if the DNC will pledge to play fair and not use super delegates to deprive the front runner be it Sanders or otherwise of the nomination.