Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Who’s worse: Rogan or Abrams?

Lawbros and centrist I still love you guys and you can come to my Bernie celebration party.


Not trying to be a dick here but the only reason this site exists is juan valdez making basically exactly this argument on the old site.


The thing about lawbros is they care more about truth and fairness than dunking on the right and staning for the left. So that’s standard.

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I had a random thought today that for maximum electability the best vp choice for Bernie is Michelle Obama. Plus it would really send the lawnmowers into orbit.

I’m pretty convinced we’re gonna lose, but that ticket is probably unbeatable.

Klob has a black friend.

Also, and it’s depressing that this wasn’t screamed enough, the context of the endorsement and potential disavowal of the endorsement is, uh, kinda important, right?


“Joe, why did you endorse Bernie?”

“I heard he secretly thinks trans folks are weird and icky. Just like me!”

I mean come on. That’s the part people were conveniently overlooking when comparing it to David Duke and trump.

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lol, are you actually watching Klob?

Nope. Was referring to her minority support in that tweet.

That’s very true and the main reason why this is a non-issue, so why add the bullshit about how giving a platform to Fascists to disccus their Fascism uninterrupted s fine because CNN?

That was ChrisV. I’m clearly not ChrisV. For one thing, I don’t even believe Australia actually exists. A big ass killer snake island just floating out there? Get real.

I’ll formulate an answer though.


Therefore I’m saying 6ix is right, he’s the bestest of the best, crean of the crop. The other argument, brought on by the poor non-6ix people of the world, was stupid. High five.

getting a little toxic there bro

Goddam Klob making frozen peas jokes.

(Watching now ldo)

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Sounds anti-semitic to me.

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Klob making a clumsy economic point now re: immigration reform.

They’ll “start” paying taxes when you bring them out of the shadows.


at least she’s still going hard in the paint on GOPete

Some of the same GOP Senators who voted for immigration reform before are still there. I can work with them.