Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

alcohol also costs more in bars than at home, just saying.

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Just got this in the mail and am pretty excited to post it here


So, one final thing before I’ll stop derailing here since I see that it is annoying people.

Lol at the system “forcing people to drive drunk.” Just lol at that. First of all, Drunk driving is one of the few crimes where you don’t see a disproportionate number of poor people and minorities charged. It is totally a middle class crime. And the people committing it have the means to pay for a taxi, it’s just inconvenient and they’re selfish assholes who put their convenience over the lives of people on the road. You also can make arrangements so you’re not in a situation where you have to drive drunk, it’s all about convenience. Like, you want to get drunk? Fucking buy some beer and drink it at home. If you’re going out with friends? Have a fucking designated driver. These are not things that are means restricted.

It also is absolutely changing because of societal pressure and increased awareness of DWI and DWI deaths plays a part in it. Old people are getting DWI’s at a much higher rate than younger people. Back when I was still a prosecutor, if I was trying a DWI, I absolutely wanted young college-aged kids on my jury. Thinking back on it, I think every DWI trial I ever had was against a boomer.



Feel the Bloombashing

You seem to be running into the feature where a line break followed by four or more spaces creates preformatted text. I’m not sure why you are inclined to do that, but stop doing that as a start.

Does the iOS keyboard not have an enter key?

if Hillary becomes VP she is legit going to murder Bloomberg.

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Are you positing a scenario where neither Trump nor Bloomberg end up as president?

I’m doing it because I guess I’m used to writing indented paragraphs, even though the spaces I put in don’t actually create indents. Thanks for the tip.

Just to lol at how out of touch Trump supporters are, my Trump loving dad swears up and down Bernie is going to choose Hillary as his VP and she will kill him.

Must have been on fox or facebook.

They’re not out of touch, they’re precisely in touch with where they get their news from.

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How people continue to have relationships with “trump loving people” is a complete mystery to me.

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I rarely post articles on here. Lesson learned.

Do you also not drive? Yes, I know that you do, or did, since you talked about getting your license suspended, but you make it seem like you have a narrow experience and have shared time understanding people with ideas informed by wider experience.

Drunk driving occurs more per capita in rural areas vs urban areas, in small cities vs than large cities. Some places are just laid out in a way that makes increased public transportation not an option.

I don’t think it’s about making the streets safer with you. You’re bending over backwards to come up with a solution that doesn’t involve cops doing something. Well, I suppose you might think that fewer cops on the street makes the streets safer for other reasons, but fewer cops won’t reduce drunk driving.

I was reviewing applicants for a job a few months ago, and one of them looked pretty good, but their linked in had “elementary german (as estimated by duolingo)” etc for like 7 languages and I passed.

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That a pretty easy choice: redraw Klob, Bloomberg and Biden and go for the inside straight draw.


There are an astonishing number of dudes (it’s always dudes) on Duolingo who have flair for like 20 different languages and it’s like, come on, bro.

No, muck everything but the Td, and hero call with T high like a boss. Hold vs. Joker high one time.

Aren’t the best video poker odds always to draw to the royal? Keep Bernie and Yang, throw the rest back.

I don’t know about the other games, but in Jacks or Better, you keep the QJo over the JTs.

Edit: this won’t be true if you have a sufficiently large progressive jackpot.