Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Biden coming out swinging at Pete with this ad


Good. Good


Do they all still think “a Socialist can’t win?” If they spend the next few weeks fighting each other to be ABB that’s gonna be hawt.

At a state level there are plenty of people in jails and prisons for simple possession.

Pete is a former mayor now? Did he not run for reelection or what? Wasnt he the mayor when this whole thing started?


We shouldn’t write off Biden because McCain and Romney lost Iowa before winning the general election. They did win the GE, right? Because otherwise they’d be really unconvincing examples.


Less true than it had been and hardly true in California anyway. It’s more that possession charges and maybe jail time (not prison) are things that affect a lot of other things in life, including sentencing in the future. BUT…the point is that it’s easy for the POTUS to campaign on problems with state laws. Federal laws are around transportation/crossing state laws, some other federal laws against LSD I think in particular, international movement and generally around scheduling drugs which I think will affect state laws. Probably there’s some stuff at the margins like possession in a National Park or something.

So, a Presidential campaign based on no prison time for possession seems like something you just say to get someone thinking you’re not that anti-progressive, while not pissing off anyone who builds prisons, runs prisons, invests in prisons, or in any way shape or form makes money from the drug war.

Reading the full results and not just the small part quoted. The full results look great for Bernie.

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I can out-watercolor that guy. Time to start grifting?

This is the way

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With NH only days away I’m curious what you all think each candidate does in the follow scenario, which actually seems in play based on the current polling:

  • Bernie and Pete are the only ones to get delegates in NH (everyone else under 15%).

My guess:

Biden 100% to stay in
Steyer 100% to stay in
Klobuchar 25% to stay in
Warren 25% to stay in
Gabbard <5% to stay in
Yang <5% to stay in

What do you think? Warren is very hard for me to predict, as well as Klob. I think Warren cut down her staffing in NV/SC, however, she still has decent cash on hand. Klob does not see to have much money left. Neither are polling particularly well in NV/SC. At best, Warren seems like she might have a chance to be viable in NV, but def no chance if she doesn’t perform well in NH.

I find it hard to believe Warren doesn’t stick it out through Super Tuesday, but could be wrong.

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I’d be quite surprised to see Warren drop.

That poll with Pete leading has me a lil shook


He leads in one poll. Bernie leads in every nh poll besides that one.

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That first poster is great

Is Pete’s democratic reform still part of his platform? I remember all that stuff when he came out trying to run in the left lane, but since he tacked to the center all I know of him is pledging to unifiy and being in the midwest

I saw a tweet saying that Warren already has 2 mill in ads booked in super Tuesday states, assuming that’s true (and it seems plausible and not like something someone would make up) she’s not dropping out prior to then.

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