Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Ang Lee for VP I like it.







Oh hey, great that MAGA Habes is uncritically signal-boosting Republican gaslighting bullshit.

She’s my congresswoman!

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John Kerry…the guy who got famous testifying about how the government lies about war.

I want someone to just go scorched earth on Biden and say that his record on Iraq means that he can’t be trusted as president if he inherits whatever mess Trump ends up creating in Iran. Biden’s strength is his perceived electability. Other candidates need to chip away at that by driving up his negatives.

Losing to trump is going to take some doing with the way people are going to turn out vs him.

Is this MF serious? I know you guys want to be hands off but pure trolls gotta get got


What if he actually is tho. Just pretending to be a centrist jerk but then gets in office and changes it to the United Socialist America.

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lol at the twitter comments.

The script instructs Sanders volunteers to tell voters leaning toward the Massachusetts senator that the “people who support her are highly-educated, more affluent people who are going to show up and vote Democratic no matter what” and that “she’s bringing no new bases into the Democratic Party.”

“I like Elizabeth Warren. [optional]” the script begins. “In fact, she’s my second choice. But here’s my concern about her.” It then pivots to the criticisms of Warren.

LMAO what a hit piece. This finally solidifies to me that Bernie is the frontrunner. It’s happening folks.

“I like Elizabeth Warren. [optional]” the script begins. “In fact, she’s my second choice. But here’s my concern about her.” It then pivots to the criticisms of Warren.

Allegedly this is the actual script, which shows these criticizing ‘slams’. I can’t find any evidence of it being a real script or not yet. In fact one person on Reddit said that “Sanders volunteers report that a random user with no chat history entered the volunteer slack chat and posted this random document no one had seen before, then a mod deleted it.”

Yeah they are going to come at him hard, just have to keep going.

Saw a Bloomberg ad saying he’s the only candidate that hasn’t taken any money from special interest groups

I saw that too. Tilted me.

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