Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Fortunately we have very few liburals here…

Oh god

For me, I’ll still willing vote for a “lesser of two evils” candidate because when we’re talking about something as big as the presidency, marginal improvements have big impacts. Ex:

  • The ACA was a weak tea watered down compromise that still provided health insurance to millions of people that didn’t previously have it, and improved coverage for millions more.

  • Trump launched more drone strikes in his first two years than Obama did in 8.

  • The Obama justice department took some (insufficient) steps towards providing oversight over police departments that routinely violated civil rights. Trump and Sessions halted those consent decrees.

Now, if those issues don’t impact you on a day to day basis, it’s real easy to say that those differences aren’t that significant. But, each of those represent real people and real lives that were changed simply because of small differences between the two parties.


176 people would still be alive today if Trump weren’t a fucking moron and that’s just one thing from one day.

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Yeah the differences aren’t really that small. Trump winning might be the end of democracy.

And while your vote might not matter in your specific state, advocating that thought process and saying its ok is dangerous. There are lots of people in states that do matter that do the same thing and use similar justifications. Not voting for whatever dem faces Trump should be strongly discouraged and shamed.

Whoever wins that will be a huge part of Republican propaganda as well. To get dems to stay home because socialism or because old man racist or whatever.


Also, the Congressional Dems are mostly unprincipled. How much of Trump’s agenda they concede to is proportional to how popular he is. If you think they give into him a lot now, then wait until you see how they crumble for popular vote winner Donald Trump.

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OK guys, I haven’t updated the list in a while but we had a major shakeup when the Bullock 2020 campaign closed up shop. I know I’ll miss his folksy mannerisms and the way he kept his principled pro-choice, pro-environment stances despite being in a deep red state.

Really, Delaney is the stealth fighter flying low under everyone’s radar here. I haven’t given him a second thought since the time I first made this spreadsheet up till now. He was an early contender and as far as I can tell, is still actually running a for-real campaign for the presidency of the US. I get how folks like Booker, Harris, Castro, or even Bennet are running stunt presidential campaigns to boost their visibility, but Delaney is like a ninja master who lurks in the shadows. I couldn’t tell you the first thing about him, not even what state he’s from. I think he’s from the East coast, but I can’t be sure.

I’ve literally had to check that list four times since posting it to make sure it’s for real. Is Devall Patrick still somehow in this race? Am I confusing him with some other Patrick? I thought for sure Booker checked out a week ago? Did I just imagine that?

I went to a young democrats meeting in birmingham last night, their first general meeting of the year. Probably 30 people or so, seemed like a great group of people and I will be going back.

I had some observations I wanted to share:

I didn’t know going in but they ended up having 4 speakers that were reps from presidential candidates. There was one for Warren, Pete, Bloomberg, and Yang. Somehow not one for Bernie at a young democrats meeting which is hard to believe.

The Pete rep was a white woman probably early 30s. She basically said she was just drawn to him from the first times she saw him speak on tv. I chuckled a little bit towards the end when she said that she thought he was doing some “groundbreaking things”.

The Warren rep was also african american probably early 30s as well. I dont remember much about her pitch to be honest.

The bloomberg rep was a older black man. He started off with saying that he was a single issue voter but didnt say what the single issue was. He went on a fairly long story about how he ran for a local election when he got out of the military and narrowly lost and how he had taken money from some business intererests so that he had money to buy signs and such for the campaign and then later someone was like oh yea you work for those people right and he didn’t like that? He then basically got around to saying that wasn’t it great that Bloomberg had his own money so that he didn’t have to be beholden to anyone…so i guess thats what his single issue is.

Last was the yang gang. He was white male 29 I later found out. Gave a heavily UBI focused pitch talking about jobs being automated etc.

So I thought that was really cool. Also a few people spoke about running to be a delegate for the presidential candidates. I was totally unaware that was a thing, apparently you can only vote for the delegate if you vote for their candidate though.

Lastly i had sat down at the only open table pretty much with a younger asian guy. Turned out to be the treasurer and an accountant which makes sense. Him, his GF that showed up later, and his two buddies ended up all being yang gang with one of them being the rep. The treasurer and gf and the other buddy were all 25 or younger. The 29 year old Yang rep is a coder i found out later. I ended up talking with the gf for a while and she basically said that she supports yang because he has “all the best policies” They all did like Bernie I think but as a 2nd choice. I told her my 2nd choice was probably Warren, she said she couldn’t stand warren for a number of reasons but chief among them was that she lied about being native american…so there you go.

just thought this might be interesting for some people here, overall seemed like a great group of people and i ended up hanging out with the yang gang group after the event and had a good time.


Born in NJ, but was a Representative from MD (6th district). So, generic East Coast suburbs / exurbs. Confirmed bland af.

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I fucking lived in MD suburbs for years and have family there and this is new information for me somehow. Dude is blander than Old Bay cut with dried onion powder.

From his wiki. Lol gerrymandering

After redistricting following the 2010 census, Delaney decided to run for the newly redrawn 6th District against 10-term Republican incumbent Roscoe Bartlett. The district had long been a Republican stronghold, but it had been significantly reconfigured. The Maryland General Assembly shifted heavily Republican Carroll County and a mostly Republican section of Frederick County into the heavily Democratic 8th district. It shifted Republican-tilting sections of Harford and Baltimore counties into the already heavily Republican 1st district. Taking their place was a heavily Democratic spur of western Montgomery County, which ended just two blocks from Delaney’s home in Potomac. The redrawn district, the state’s second-largest, included nearly the entire western portion of the state, but the bulk of its vote came from the outer suburbs of Washington, D.C.

On paper, this dramatically altered the district’s demographics, turning it from a heavily Republican district into a Democratic-leaning district. While John McCain carried the 6th with 57 percent of the vote in 2008,[19] Barack Obama would have carried the new 6th with 56 percent.[20] The Montgomery County share of the district has three times as many people as the rest of the district combined.

The shifts were quite controversial, as Republicans accused Democrats of shifting district boundaries in their favor, and former Governor Martin O’Malley later admitted the redrawn districts would favor Democrats. “That was my hope,” O’Malley told attorneys in a deposition. “It was also my intent to create … a district where the people would be more likely to elect a Democrat than a Republican.”[21]

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And some idiots would still sit out Biden v Trump because they’re in “safe” states or have a sad about Biden.


“Safe” doesn’t really need quotes there.

Who are you?

ahah, this guy’s district is wild. Looks like it’s deliberately designed to capture the amigos in Gaithersburg and cut out the super-super-rich parts of MoCo. And then there’s Western MD which is vaguely Democratic from its old-timey Appalachian union coal mining days. You could study this map all day.

Western MD is basically West Virgina, Appalachia is hellworld

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MD 1st district (where I grew up) is pretty great too. ALL of the Eastern Shore (rural, pretty conservative) + some random bits and pieces of Baltimore, Howard and Carroll counties.

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I think the only reason they stopped where they did is so that they could use those votes to gerrymander another district. The rich part of MoCo is still heavily Democratic.