Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

What if Obama makes an official public statement but it’s just him dissing Bennett instead of Sanders.

While I’m sure that Bernie is not Obama’s first choice, let’s actually wait for some confirmation beyond a tweet from some Fox Business dickbag whose Twitter profile says “God, Country, Pullups and Vodka in that order”


If I were forced to rank those: Pullups, Vodka, God, Country

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The premise is faulty. The outcome of both plans as written if magically enacted would be the same, single payer healthcare.

You’re not supposed to talk about a current POTUS as the previous POTUS, like ever. Definitely not criticize.

Another one of those unwritten rules that trump definitely will abide by.

The economy was in free fall… and several of those Democratic senators might as well have been Republicans. Plus Mitch McConnell is very effective.

I’ll happily agree that there was a perfect line that we can see in hindsight that would have been better, but a lot of how we see things now is shaped by what happened to Obama.

bernie’s supposed to win NH. Though this seems to be an outlier poll at first glance, he’s clearly ahead there.

Obama’s been very hands off and even if the story is true he’s not going to stick himself in there if he thinks it won’t be enough. We’ll see.

Hillary again, helping a candidate by saying negative things about them; she’s intelligent but so, so dumb politically.


None of his public statements say that and a unnamed close adviser is at least quoted as saying it’s not going to happen. The part where a difference source claims Obama will stop him is not even a direct quote. It’s basically a reporters interpretation of a sources interpretation of what Obama said at some random point. It’s fine as speculation but it it’s not anything more than people guessing what Obama is going to do.

someone should ask Obama the same thing they asked Hillary to set the record straight. Pretty straightforward question, would he support Bernie is he was the nominee. Has he said this?

Since this is being reported in the Washington Post, anyone who says anything about Fox Business is arguing in bad faith.

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what if…

I don’t think there is any question about Obama and Hillary supporting Bernie as the nominee. They will fall in line the way Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz pivoted to supporting Trump. The question is how much effort they would exert to prevent him from being the nominee.

I honestly do have these questions.

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Same quote by different news orgs, BR was responding to the Fox source.

Would they go out and campaign for him the way they would for some of the others in the field? Probably not. Would they endorse him and oppose Donald Trump? I would be highly shocked if they didn’t. They are not going to back Trump and they are not going to clamor for a third-party centrist candidate.

From their perspective, they oppose Bernie because they think he can’t win. But once he is the nominee, they will still think he is better than Trump. They might not be enthusiastic in sinking resources into backing a candidate who they think has no chance, but they will go through all the forms of supporting the Democratic nominee and they might even be convinced he can win.

What? They know he can win, we believe polls here. They oppose him for a lot of other reasons well above that one.


I don’t believe this for one second.