Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Oh OK, so Bernie just needs low info dipshit voters to suddenly stop being low info dipshits, ez game.

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i didn’t say it would be easy but it would be a lot easier if warren lickers like yourself held her accountable

I hopped off the Warren train when she decided to switch her M4A plan to something dumb as fuck but by all means continue being a toxic jackass.

I don’t even know if that would be enough any more. I mean, the primary elections, to the extent that they happen, are reall not likely to be platforms for sudden swells of support.

Like, without wishing death/pain, I actually hope something happens to Biden that causes him not to be the nominee, and at this point I hope that the alternative is Bernie. But I think most prognisticators are counting on a Trump v Biden election, so shouldn’t we have that thread?

And as I typed that, I realized that the obv response is “so go make it” which is fair but it’s late here, so I guess maybe next time

sorry, i mistook you for @olink, a similarly named do-nothing warren defender

bernie has no path is not true , its just your wishcasting. i never said it would be easy, only that people who want to bury their head in the sand at this point are uninformed clowns that just want an excuse to stop fighting for issues that will save lives

wat in god

Lol you’re confusing me for someone else too

Bernie’s path is Biden dying of COVID-19. At this point, he needs some sort of harm to come to Biden, if not physically, then at least politically, so that the establishment no longer views him as a likely winner against Trump. And I still maintain that almost any credible non-Hillary that Democrats stick against Trump should be considered a favorite to win.

Any shot that Bernie has at winning that doesn’t involve Biden dying or becoming medically incapacitated is not going to involve fighting on the issues. It’s going to involve attacking Biden personally in an attempt to make him un-electable. I’m not convinced that Bernie is going to participate or authorize that sort of campaign.

If you had some campaign to send a bunch of super-spreaders to enter the bunker where Biden is staying and cough on him, then I would tell you where he is if I knew. If I thought that massive COVID-19 fatalities would lead to a much better outcome than President Biden, I would root for the death counts to rise.

I just don’t see Bernie having much of a shot, so I think that best outcome involves pushing Biden to pick as progressive of a running mate as possible. I want him to keep running because I think that maximizes the pressure on Biden to move leftward on a vice-presidential nominee.

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I think Bernie’s most likely path to the nomination is to do exactly what he’s doing: stay on message and in the race. If and when Biden implodes, physically or otherwise, Bernie will be in a much better position as a) the only remaining candidate, with the most delegates and b) a guy who played relatively nice and didn’t unnecessarily further antagonize the establishment. If he goes nuclear now, he just guarantees that the party will never nominate him, ever.

To provide some context for these numbers, four days before the 2019 April primary, 69% of absentee ballots had been returned and 84% by election day. For the 2018 November general election, that was 92% and 95%. Four days before the current April election, only 48% of absentee ballots have been returned.

This is a troubling statistic. While I agree with U.S. District Judge William Conley that it is the place of the governor and legislature to work on moving the date of the election, I applaud his attempt to mitigate the absentee ballot problem by extending the deadline for submitting and ordering the state to waive the requirement to have a witness sign the ballot.

Biden bots and Liz louts are going to have to pretend they aren’t furious about this

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Took me three tries and then finally continuing to the next line to understand you weren’t referencing Admiral Law of the Chez

God, you are incredibly immature. I get next-day bitterness after Super Tuesday, but why is every single post from you still some angry ad hominem? You’re taking out your frustration with the outcome on people who agree with 99% of what you say.

no one i’m annoyed with here agrees with 99% of what i say, lol

the people i’m annoyed with are the ones that are fine with the way their particular candidate helped the establishment put a senile war criminal probable rapist that wants to keep our unique brand of anti-health care in place. these people nit picked bernie at every opportunity and have, to a person, fled this thread since super tuesday. they paid lip service to progressive ideals and now don’t care because it doesn’t materially affect them

“next day bitterness” this isn’t a fuckin game. i’m bitter because millions will lack insurance or go bankrupt because of it, i’m bitter because the families will still be in the cages, and because we will keep supporting coups in latin america and wars in the middle east that will kill civilians. that is what warren, yang, buttigieg, and the rest of them are endorsing right now.


If we have another thread, will it be subtitled “It’s Not Over Until Sarah Huckabee Sanders Sings”?

Don’t think Joe’s on level 1 here.

This thread’s broken because we crossed 10k but nobody noticed because when you cross 10k the post counts get all screwy. New thread: