Democratic Primaries 2020 - With a whimper

Obama is tweeting about how great Warren is, JFC. What a coward.

Which one? The reasonable first one or the offensively stupid second one you felt utterly compelled to tack on? Both?

I can see from your avatar that we should be taking you seriously.

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Which fight?

None of this bullshit matters because the main reason to vote Blue in 2020 is the SCOTUS.


There’s no way 4 months is up already. Why am I seeing this?


For one, I didn’t even say it was wrong. It is a hilariously biased framing, almost a parody of itself, but that’s not wrong unless Ezra gaslights about how hilariously obvious it is, which he hasn’t. He seemed to even acknowledge it by saying that it was only meant to show trump’s incompetence and not erase Bernie. But it is like an Onion headline.

I’m not even a Biden<trump guy, come on already. You get that all the dirtbags here are separate people with different thoughts and feelings, right? Likewise, there’s no reason you should’ve assumed my post was about Warren and not Klein’s tweet with its comical erasure of Bernie’s covid work.


He never fails to deliver, does he? Honestly, I thought he had me on ignore.

You didn’t reply to my post btw.

To add to it, If Liz was in the lead and Bernie was doing decent, and he dropped out to endorse Biden and direct his organization to canvass for Biden and his supporters to vote for Biden, yes, I’d be livid.


aww, i love you too


But Biden’s SCOTUS picks will be just as bad or even worse than Trump’s, the posters ITT have assured me as such. Sotomayor is indistinguishable from Kavanaugh iyam.

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Morons, the topic of you begging people to vote for the demented rapist even has its own thread. Go bump it!

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This is a weird post. I don’t think you should be angry with Pete because he lost. I think you should be angry with Pete because he’s a fraud who sold out the things you claim to care about. He marketed himself as a change candidate but when push came to shove, what he really cared about was what was good for Pete.

I don’t know what he was promised to drop out just before Super Tuesday, but it had to have been something. What out of Pete’s “defense of democracy” agenda, or any other part of his policy preference, was adopted by Biden? If he’s going to come to heel and help out the near brain-dead establishment candidate, shouldn’t he at least extract some policy concessions? He didn’t because whatever he got for doing that was some backroom thing that is good for Pete, because climbing the ladder is really what he’s about. All the policy stuff will get jettisoned in a heartbeat if he spots some way he can gnaw a route closer to personal power and glory.

Some Bernie fans are frustrated with Bernie because they think he didn’t run an optimal campaign, but it’s like, our guy threw a couple interceptions in a playoff game and that sucks, but your guy is like a Jets quarterback who gave the finger to the fans and then quit and signed with the Patriots. And you’re like mad? Why would I be mad? I don’t get it.


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Are you arguing that Warren is/would have been treated the same as Bernie by the party? Because the counterpoint to that is the Obama retweet yesterday.

Lol. Yeah, now she’s bent the knee and is totally irrelevant. Everyone loves her.