Defense of the Dark Arts: General Policies, Tactics, and Tips for Triggering Deplorables. Also Fuck J.K. Rowling!!!!

trump can’t even match the 3% growth obama obtained. green new deal will create 40, 50, i’m even hearing 60% gdp growth year over year. that’s jobs. that’s like, a hundred million great-paying jobs where you don’t gotta know shit and you don’t gotta do shit.

So I just started some easy game trolling on FB. I don’t think I’m doing it right. So far, I’m just trading insults back and forth with enraged boomers. People are liking my posts, but at some point I’m going to actually make some political arguments right? (lol).


My main aim on trolling facebook comments is to make a hostile environment. Especially for transphobes.

Lots of questions and pointing and laughing. But engaging on their terms is a big no no


They are in their comfort zone when you give them arguments that they expect. They’ve developed a set of counter-arguments that they can easily deploy against you. You should hit them with something they aren’t expecting.

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OK, I may be off to an ok start then. I tried to follow the advice in this thread. I picked boomers making spelling and grammar errors (target rich), opened with correcting their errors, then added pithy Trump monikers like “Treasonous Trump”. Used this line a lot: I prefer presidents who aren’t traitors. Responded to insults with liberal use of mom jokes, mouth breather etc. Seems to be going pretty well so far.

This line got some reactions: All the president had to do was wear a mask and promote national unity but the mouth breather couldn’t even get that right. The Trump shit show is just about over.


Deleted my Facebook a few days ago after telling my uncle off one more time. Also I saw one of my cousins that lives in Birmingham who I think is a decent guy posted that black guy from Prager U’s video where he’s like you say black people can’t get loans? I got a loan. Etc, I was just like ehh fuck this I’m done.


Delete Facebook.


But then, how will I get my daily ration of 50 self improvement memes? “Girl, you are wonderful and strong. And don’t let anyone tell you different.”

But yeah, you’re right.


Lol why does he call her ADC? How do you feel about her, overall? For me it’s tricky because I think the amazon thing is a pretty valid criticism. I don’t agree with it, but it’s still valid. I would avoid getting into a debate about that, because it’s extremely hard to defend (been there).

Usually boomers will just attack her for the normal reasons boomers attack attractive, young, vocal women - misogyny laden rants about how she doesn’t know what a garbage disposal is and some such.

I honestly dont know. What was your post that that post was responding to?

Oh, i just saw you deleted your post. I’ll leave this one up, but if you want me to delete i will.

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Thanks for your quick reply! I pulled the post as I quickly determined that I had violated just about every rule in your initial post. lol.

The original post started with my opponent derping about her “shoplifting bread” comment and my initial argument is that the quote was taken out of context. Since I’m losing the troll war, I’m gonna follow your advice and quit posting. I agree with you about the amazon thing as well, so not a hill I want to die on.

I’ve been trolling Trumpkins on Trump’s Facebook page. One woman went on rant about how disrespectful liberals are towards white women fed up. I said “OK Karen,” and had like 2,000 likes lol.

Also, that page is nowhere near what it was back in 2016. Trump really has lost support. Sometimes when he posts something there’s only a few hundred comments. In 2016 there was easily tens of thousands of comments.


I’ve noticed that as well. In my various town FB pages, Trump supporters are getting shouted down where even like 6 months ago, you could trumpderp with impunity. I hate social media with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns, but it is fascinating to observe the ebb and flow.


Yea ive noticed it too. That’s why I think your guys’ voices are valuable out there on those pages - when they add up, they get powerful.


The same thing is happening on Twitter too. Most people replying are mocking Trump and his supporters.

Be careful. I have a roided out high school acquantaince who can’t wait to see me he said the other night. I’m going to have to choke him out or get my ass beat.


Yea i get a lot of death threats. That’s something I probably shouldve mentioned in my op. Protect yourself.


I’m not concerned. I’m just going to take my shoes off, slather some mustard on my shirt and frantically wave a pistol or possibly an AR-15 in the general direction of the threat. I’ve been assured that this the American way to settle our grievances.

But seriously, yeah I consider that in my initial troll target assessment. I think you did mention this in your original post actually.

Did you tell him that this is america and you have a right to peacefully say what you want and hes a fascist nazi who shits on the graves of american soldiers and wipes his ass with the constitution when he threatens you?


My other friend called him a snowflake and one of them deleted all our posts. I’m kind of assuming it’s the guy who wants to beat my ass so his threats aren’t there any more. I screenshotted them.