Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

We have always been at war with Eastasia

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“History jokes that sound absurd but are actually true” for $500, Alex Wayne Brady

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Deplorable dad is going with those people at the capital should be shot/hanged and well maybe they were Antifa.

I will give him some credit, he asks me fact check stuff for him. He thought the Q shaman was Antifa and I fact checked that for him and he seems to accept it was a few Trumpers. I’m sure he thinks BLM did the same but worse though.

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I’m shook.

My dad just let me know that the stop steal movement isn’t real. Didn’t happen. It’s overblown, what about Portland…

We generally avoid politics, but I’ll probe for temperature every now and then.

He ranted for a couple minutes about all the hot topics then restated that we are just on different sides of the political spectrum… doesn’t want to talk about it.

Honestly, neither do I. It’s just really sad.


Well at least he isn’t in the stop the steal movement like some UPers’ family members.

For real. I have the most sympathy for those with deplorable spouses. I can’t even imagine this last year sharing a house with an extra reality.

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Like it was a huge thing for them, how do we now get to “it didn’t happen actually”?

Haven’t brought up politics with my dad in months because the last few times have ended in huge blowups. My mom still wants to talk but she’s not even in the same ballpark as these people and at least grudgingly admitted that Trump didn’t deserve to win because of his COVID response. Will never be a Democrat but she might just stop voting/caring, not that her CA vote matters anyhow.

Wait we have members with deplorable significant others? How does that even work? You can’t choose family but you can choose your partner…

I don’t think anyone does that I’ve read here, I think he was just saying that

I think 99% of the time the stronger personality wins and the weaker just goes along with it. I’ve watched my mom absorb each of her 4 husbands’ politics.

Well I’m assuming my Dad but they got divorced when I was 5 so I wasn’t really tuned in to that.


My parents never were into politics. My dad listened to Rush at work I know back in the day but half the time he would laugh at him. My grandparents were farmers in the 80s so I heard them complain about politicians a bit.

I could be wrong, maybe I misunderstood. But I believe there was a post, maybe from this summer that broke my heart.

I feel awful for people dealing with deplorable family members. I have enough trouble being around my family, and we are in complete agreement on politics.


No idea. Same boat, I’m not digging too deep; although from like an anthropology perspective it is fascinating. Like, ok, how far along are we now? And which angle are you currently exploring.

I generally expect it all to converge with whatever the fox line up is spewing, but sometimes it takes a day or two for that to all solidify.

Now that the righty news world is fracturing though, who knows. Not sure what his media diet is at the moment.

Most deplorables I’ve been sparring with the last few weeks have completely abandoned (and some even publicly) their “It was Antifa!” takes. There’s too much evidence to ignore even for them and it also puts them in the tough position of having to condemn something they actually agreed with.

Not surprised there’s some holdouts though.

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The logically consistent take is “of course I support it, the Democrats stole the election.” The fact that none of them are saying that belies that they all know it was a free and fair election.


Spoke to my mother and I’m surprised that she kept silent on the Capitol insurrection and election being stolen and all that. Even online she hasn’t even been posting about conspiracy theories.

It’s not like she has Parler to get that shit from now anyway.

Just the other day I saw a tweet reposted here where someone was using the Nazi Barbie label for Tomi Lahren. A quick Google shows that it’s been a bit of a thing for a while.

How does the “Of course I support it, George Floyd was murdered” response work when people try a whataboutism line with the events of last summer? I’ve found it works well against people who aren’t family and friends because it draws a line which suggests no compromise is possible, but maybe y’all are uncomfortable being that confrontational with people you’re close to.

I think that was this morning lol.