Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

Shouldn’t these people love China since they already have a great wall?


I once overheard in a hotel dining room a discussion amongst some very animated southerners about whether or not New Mexico, “was attached”.

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You know what, fuck it, Red Dawn is a fun movie. WOLVERINES!


Those elephants really know how to hide in trees.

The people originally writing the Q shit were trolling these idiots. Are the current people still writing this stuff mostly trolling or are they true believers now?

Trolling these idiots and destroying the country in the process. Cool.

Ha I didn’t even see that. I noticed that Trump created the Space Force but also actually we’ve already had it for 10 years or something.

He’s such a hard worker that he showed up for work 6 years early. Then he worked hard all day and had many meetings.


I think it’s kinda like the Flat Earth Society. I genuinely believe it started as a troll and just got completely out of hand.

Same guy sent me a link to a story that contained this: “Also, turns out the “Viking” guy is a radical climate change/Green New Deal activist…seems like he’d be an unlikely Trump supporter too, right?”

I said “You told me he was a Marine a few days ago.” To which he replied, “That was misinfo.”


Incredible. Absolutely no accountability for being wrong, just like their leader.

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On Jan. 6 this guy (not me) literally quoted Thomas Jefferson and the tree of liberty in the comments of our mutual friend’s post and six posts later he was saying it was Antifa. A span of minutes.


Join us Comrade. We have health care.


So that’s why they want Trump to install the loyalist to CIA deputy and possibly lead. Although I doubt trump was a CIA asset like our boy Saddam, so he’s not in their good graces like him

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On a group text with a couple buddies and today I learned two things: (1) apparently the phrase Nazi Barbie is only an UP thing? No one had a clue who I was referring to and (2) using the phrase Nazi Barbie is just as bad being an actual Nazi. “The intolerant left thinks everything is a Nazi or racist”. I’m done trying to debate people like that so they got a simple snowflake emoji as a reply, which prompted a screen long text rant about how the left are the snowflakes. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


It’s amazing because that’s from a segment he did with good ol Bill Oreilly lol

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On the one hand this stuff makes me glad I’m no longer on Facebook. On the other hand it’s really hard to reconcile what kind of brainworms people have to actually reconcile believing in this bullshit. My dad told us dead serious that his friend had told him there would be a military curfew and then sent us some obviously fake Facebook share post garbage as if it were an official government document.

Curious to see what happens around the 20th, lots of maga heads might explode

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There is also a path from Psychedelics >> conspiracy nuttiness. Some people just “start questioning everything” and slippery slope into really dumb stuff. This dude is definitely one of these people.