Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

I saw your chatter in the other thread about your partner being some female variant on Chris.

My name is Chris, my girlfriend’s name is Christine, and her ex husband’s name is also Chris.


Hah. Wife is Christine but everyone calls her “steen”. Strongly recommend.

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GF’s parents call her “Chris”. Couple of her friends call her “teen”. My friends sometimes call her “Good Chris”.


When I said you could go by ‘the first name’s’ I didn’t realize the name was Chris. You’re not even the only people on this website in this spot. I’m really glad Matthewina wasn’t a popular girls name all of a sudden.

Brian dating a Brianna here. I wonder if circumstances like this are more common than simple random matching would expect?

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+1 for the Scotts here.

Also +1 for guy who looks Aryan but is actually a Jew. I’ve definitely heard/seen some shit. I always let it slide though and just remove those people from my life.

I have no idea how my kid will have it. He’s Jewish and Jamaican but looks neither.


I know a guy whose parents are both named Terry. (Actually not sure about the spelling for either/both but whatevs.)

Hopefully you have one of these:


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Roberts give people like me a bad name

Peak Chris is right, I was born in ‘74 and was one of four Chrises in a class of under 30 in seventh grade.

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There’s something called the name-letter effect:

The name-letter effect is the tendency of people to prefer the letters in their name over other letters in the alphabet. Whether subjects are asked to rank all letters of the alphabet, rate each of the letters, choose the letter they prefer out of a set of two, or pick a small set of letters they most prefer, on average people consistently like the letters in their own name the most. Crucially, subjects are not aware that they are choosing letters from their name.

Studies have found real-world cognitive biases springing from this, for example people with names starting with a C are more likely to prefer Coke over Pepsi (I sure do) and vice-versa for people with names beginning with P. Some studies have found that people are more likely to marry those with similar names, but these findings are controversial. You have to be really careful about excluding alternative explanations. One common alternative explanation is ethnic assortative mating, for example Hispanics tend to marry other Hispanics at a high rate and Hispanics also have first names of certain letters at a higher rate than the rest of the population, giving rise to the effect. It’s unclear whether or not there’s a real effect. There probably is, but it’s probably small.


You pull some of the most obscure trivia out of nowhere on a regular basis and it amazes me. Thanks, this is fascinating


Put me in the minority with a first name I would bet any money nobody here has. My last name (and even variant spellings of it) hits exactly one other person on Earth (outside my family) via google.


I have a really rare last name and in Vegas once I lost my ID at the MGM pool or lazy river and didn’t even know it for a few hours. Went to check lost and found and this mofo at the security station has the same last name as me and we have connected relatives. Small world bro.

ETA: I’m recalling back how I went to the security station and I’m pretty sure they called my name out or some shit. Man, if you tip those bartenders at the pool well those firecracker daiquiris are overflowing with 151.


I’m pretty sure nobody has my first name :upside_down_face:

There’s about a bajillion Ashkenazi jews where I live so I forget what a tiny minority it is on the internet/America sometimes. I pass for white and/or Western for the most part until they hear the name.

I find it funny the only people that can pronounce my name right away are people that watch a lot of hockey.

I’m the opposite. My last name is probably as common as my first name. Its so common there was a 60 year guy registered under Megan’s Law in my town but I was like 10 at the time lol.

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My culture also has different last names for men and women and my parents abandoned my father’s last name out of fear of anti-semitism before I was born (it’s very Jewy) so there’s literally only my brother and I (and 1 dude on google) with my exact last name.

I’m crushing it vs my world name rivals of 25 year old male nurse in Australia and California skydiving bro despite the fact my last name is the Smith of Latvia apparently.

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There’s some weird rumor going around my workplace that “joe Biden wants to end all oil and gas” and it’s just mind boggling. I’m in Texas, so it doesn’t matter, but where the hell would people pick up that joe “I love fossil fuels” Biden wants to, or even can, get rid of oil and gas?