Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

Trump has been saying this during his rallies and on Twitter the past few weeks. Possibly in his ads, too.


Also heat and air conditioners will cease to exist.

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Also God.

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In typically respond that things were a lot better for oil and gas in 2014 and 2015 than they are now. Which is true.

You can‘t reason someone out of something that they haven’t reasoned themselves into.

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I’ve never heard the last name “Lice” tbh, interesting that it’s actually pretty commonplace.

There are a LOT of people with my name, which is fine by me.

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That nuanced “gotcha moment” where Biden said he would transition away eventually where Trump said THATS A BIG STATEMENT - THE BIGGEST STATEMENT has now been weaponized against him, just like I said it would when it happened.

Yep, with Trump promising no more jihad and 150% more windows for every house!

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Random q since you’re Latvian (maybe): do you know how to play Zole (Zolite)?

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Father is 1st gen immigrant, I know next to nothing about it. Been emailing him all day about election stuff, in one reply I asked him about it and… he ignores it and asks about election stuff. :roll_eyes:

He’s 6 months older than Joe of course.

My grandmother didn’t give a shit about politics and she was also first generation. I think a good lot of them are just happy to be here regardless of who is in power.

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I said this earlier up thread but he has “religiously” never voted before, always said it didn’t matter, was probably “conservative” but whatever. 2018 was the first year he ever voted and my sister had to threaten him to do it, this year he’s virulently antitrump and almost certainly happy to vote.

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No biggie, just curious. I learned to play it (a three-handed card game for any interested observers) from a group of Latvians in college. Fun game that I guess was played for money in Latvia, although we never did. It was well suited to playing while drunk/stoned.

That group of Latvians were legendary hard partiers… Fun times.

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Just got back to me says he doesn’t know of it, strange. We played a shit ton of hearts growing up too. :man_shrugging:

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dad is first gen from a commie country. hasn’t followed politics in english ever, doesn’t read any news, but getting plenty of propaganda on youtube. he definitely isn’t just grateful to be here, thinks biden is senile and hilary was the biggest liar.

My buddy has a web page where he hosts instructions on the game:

It could be fun to play with your family if in-person gatherings are ever possible again.

Hahaha my family is confirmed MAD.


missed a name

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Sucks that the deep state couldn’t have waited an hour or two to get enough ballots to turn the senate or house.


Yea thanks lol. Fixed it.

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