The obvious follow up here is “do you ever think the government should provide something to people if it is not a right?”
If people don’t think the government should provide health care solely because its not a right, then they should be forced to go down the entire list of government spending and confirm that each and everything is a right. Other than die hard obstinate libertarians you will get to something that the person supports but agrees is not a right.
My wife’s sister just started a party planning/travel agency business yesterday. I’m not sure if the stupidity or the callousness bothers me more. It’s especially fucked up with a sister up to her eyeballs with Covid cases in the ICU day in and day out.
Apparently in Portland people are allowed to just come and squat in your house and quarter their Antifa troops and the police won’t help you, “Just like in South Africa”. I asked what all of the armed Oregon natives do when people just barge into their house and got stares.
I’m not sure he’s the one who has a way to go. You stopped too early.
I don’t believe access to health care is a human right. I still support single payer systems and think that universal access is a good thing for the government to achieve.
I’m not sure I understand the point of this question. It doesn’t really inform you about someone’s opinion as to whether governments should strive to provide universal health care… There are lots of ways for someone to reach that ultimate position.
This is an interesting take on this forum. Why do you think it is not a human right? Healthcare should only be available for those lucky enough to afford it or live in a country whose govt provides it? That strikes me as very odd.
This is coming from someone who would likely be dead without the ACA. So I have a hard time understanding opinions like this.
Even without COVID, it would seem this is kind of a hopeless business model. There is a reason that almost all travel agents have ceased to exist. They were killed by the internet. There is almost no value that she can add. Maybe if her clientele just consists of really wealthy people that simply can’t be bothered or don’t have the time to book things themselves, then she might have something.
zarapochka is right. never moralize with reactionaries. never use arguments with words like: racist, problematic, sexist, unfair, human rights, hateful, bigoted, xenophobic. etc. that will get you nowhere.