Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends


This just made me feel horrible about not driving to the border and freeing the children in cages.

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If it’s any consolation, that guy isn’t there either

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well, i just got off the phone with deplorable. silver lining is that with the other shit going on in life on their own doing, probably not going to vote in person at all. counting that as -1R in NYS.


Unironic back to back posts by my deplorable brother in law on Facebook.


muslim isnt a RACE BRO, gotcha lib - my bro

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the deplorable ragemachine had bet so much on the “they’re persecuting ACB for being a christian” thing that when it didnt materialize they just rolled out all of the manufactured crybaby stuff they had stockpiled anyway because they literally didnt have anything else on the truck.


Love how there’s no mention of the source of the article, that the email is from icloud and the full address is blurred just enough so no one can actually send anything.

Truly laughable.

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Maybe you should respond with this:


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lIBeRaL oWnED LiBtArD! Oh, they actually call it true.

But, he wasn’t calling the black community a jungle as in racist shit, he was saying the forced integration shit would be a violent or horrible thing. Judge for yourself I guess. He’s not my preferred candidate don’t @ me.

ETA his quote:
“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”

These “You can’t vote Biden because he made racially charged statements in 1977, vote Trump for President” are exactly the same as this:


Biden has admitted he made mistakes and embraced opportunities for growth.

Trump said some nakedly racist shit YESTERDAY.

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Exactly, both parties are the same!


Trump hasn’t talked today?


We’re still debating whether today’s remarks were naked racism or at least wearing a towel


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That’s totally insane.

Democratic voter Rosanna Guadagno, 49, said her brother disowned her after she refused to support Trump four years ago. Last year her mother suffered a stroke, but her brother - who lived in the same California city as her mother - did not let her know when their mother died six months later. She was told the news after three days in an email from her sister-in-law.

Jesus christ.

Jacquelyn Hammond, 47, a bartender in Asheville, North Carolina, no longer speaks to her Trump-supporting mother Carol, and is also discouraging her son from speaking to her. She said she would like to heal the relationship, but believes that will be difficult, even if Trump loses the election.

Probably you can start healing the relationship by talking to your mom.