COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Jarmo Kekalainenments.

Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s true. The two guys in my FB feed who have gone hardest against lockdowns/masks/vaccinations have also been doing their own research on global warming for years. One of them mostly just spams talking points that cast doubt on the consensus, but heā€™s also started developing his own temperature and sea level models to show why we shouldnā€™t be concerned about melting in Greenland basically because it is a really really big piece of ice and only a relatively teeny tiny piece of it melts each year.

Iā€™ve been trying to figure out the pervasiveness of this idiocy and Iā€™ve landed on addiction to victimhood. Thereā€™s something super primal at work here.

Havenā€™t noticed this chart on the NYC Covid stats page before. I think it might be a new way they are presenting the data.


Lots of people ITT still in denial of the fact that while still mostly white, trump has actually made team red more ā€œdiverseā€. To think that (anti)racism is the only thing a voter would consider before choosing teams is quite simplistic.
Otherwise most of this thread (being cis straight white males) would be team red.


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I think a layer below the Grievance/Victimhood Culture are a couple of more fundamental issues. A big one is that literally millions of people live lives totally without meaning. Many people, especially Americans but not only Americans, have been thoroughly duped by the corporate narrative that True Happiness lies in the consumer goods that are just beyond reach. A lot of people think a new car, the most stylish clothes, a bigger house, an all inclusive vacation at the X+1 star resort, etc., are more than just Nice Stuff, they deeply believe its the ticket to a satisfying life. This narrative, widely accepted in the US, drives behavior that is good for business interests but it absolutely does not work as a means to a happy life. A lot of people end up unhappy and basically with a massive void in their souls that they desperately need to fill.

Once people are in that state of desperation, one way out is to imagine that everyone is out to get you and that you are constantly victimized by ill intentioned forces. Thatā€™s a powerful narrative that puts you right at the center, The Long Suffering Hero of the story, and thanks to the glories of Facebook you can even find a welcoming community that fully endorses this fantasy. Hell, you can even live your life entirely on Facebook and Fox News and go to Trump rallies and that victimhood fantasy might as well be a reality because itā€™s all youā€™ll ever experience.

Perpetual rage, based on the illusion that you matter so much that everyone is out to get you, is certainly preferable to confronting the reality that your life is meaningless and hardly anybody ever thinks of you at all.


Is six weeks before Thanksgiving an appropriate time to drop a bomb on people that vaccinations will be required for air travel?

Well we lost Goat Boy.


This is well said and could reasonably be called the Dylan Theorem as there is a lot of overlap with what I think is his best song, ā€œIts Alright Ma (Iā€™m Only Bleeding).ā€

The best thing I saw about this was

Dude got an STD and is blaming it on the Vax.

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Fuck. Well I guess I have a free evening now.

-no one.


Itā€™s accurate. 100% std. would treat without a test result.

Anyways the tweet for those that donā€™t want to listen to the TuckFuckBoi

You mean that schools have performance art based masking and distancing that really isnā€™t effective when everyone eats lunch together?

And then EMILY does a bunch of data analysis and gaslights the rest of us?

My kids eat lunch in their classroom.


I remember a text book with elephantitis pics but they all looked pretty racist, so Randy is filling in for Nickys cousin.


So only 25 maskless kids eating quietly in 400 square feet? Gotta be better than 400 kids in a cafeteria shouting to talk.

Who is this dumb motherfucker?

Agreed. That why if offered even money, Iā€™d bet they were Trumpkins.

This is how the ā€œ-No oneā€ meme should work!

Thank you, Danspartan, for being a light in the wilderness!