COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Yeah, never would have guessed that you’d come back with an article from the BEE BEE CEE that doesn’t say what you want it to say. You are still flat wrong.


I don’t understand why/how/when we decided that “this thing we could do will help but won’t eliminate 100% of harm with 100% certainty” was a good reason to not do the thing.

I mean, I do understand why some politicians and idiots push that line of thinking. I just don’t understand why it’s working its way into supposedly rational discussions of public policy.


Dude, we’re apparently still working on distinguishing between, “This doesn’t work 100% of the time,” and “This doesn’t work at all.”


Getting AA all in preflop against AKs doesn’t prevent you from losing your stack


Mrs. JordanIB has a friend who got the J&J vaccine, and is asking if we’ve heard anything about boosters for J&J? This person has some underlying health issues and has been very careful throughout COVID, so I suspect they’re asking to be sure they are as protected as possible.

Has there been any news about a possible J&J booster?

Nope, we’re still on 8-12 weeks as the sweetspot

so you don’t see any problems at with using an 8-12 week window as a definitive statement on the efficacy of one shot using observational non-randomized data?

also the severity of the ‘myocarditis’ here are not even close to the same.

I don’t think that accurately describes the UK’s thinking on this. They are choosing to weigh direct benefits to the person being vaccinated much more heavily than the indirect benefits to the community. That might be the wrong strategy during a pandemic, but I don’t think they are being irrational. (I understand rationality to include the possibility that someone can be both rational and wrong.)

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These idiots are going to start murdering healthcare workers:


Sister is taking horse paste. The kind for horses. Jfc


Well, hope she likes diarrhea.


“The wheel is turning and you can’t slow down,
You can’t let go and you can’t hold on,
You can’t go back and you can’t stand still,
If the COVID don’t get you then the horse paste will.”


I guess it’s better than her taking horse cock. The kind for horses.

Mom convinced her to also do the antibodies treatment too.

I guess my sister is feeling pretty shit. I really hope she ends up ok. If she does Im cutting her off until she comes back to reality and if that’s never then oh well


I haven’t heard anything about a booster for J&J recipients, even though J&J is showing the worst performance (60% effective against hospitalization in the recent CDC study). NYT has some discussion, including some stuff about the possibility of getting an in sanctioned booster:

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She’ll almost certainly recover fully after being really scared and quite ill and this will further convince her that the horse juice was the secret that Big Vaxx doesn’t want you to know about.

I’m very sorry you have to see this play out with real people and not Internet morons.

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If I had the J&J vaccine I think I’d be getting a booster in the form of the Moderna vaccine.


You mean Freedom Poo?

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