COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

It sounds scary but the story says it isn’t likely to cause injury. It doesn’t say if the stainless was a magnetic form though j/k.

“I’m not mad ur mad, I am laughing actually” classic


What a baby. I wish her only the worst.

this is pretty promising (in terms of future entertainment)


So I’m curious what our current consensus is regarding the risk of contracting COVID for fully vaxed folks.

Am I going to get it because of waning immunity from my shots in Feb/March, or because of delta, or both?

In my head I was thinking that breakthroughs were mostly because of delta, which makes me wonder if an OG booster would even help and make me feel decent about leaving the house this winter.

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Not long before antivaxxers are getting snake bites to own the libs. I’m here for it.

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This is subscribers only, but very interesting:

The Russian Flu spread into Western Europe from St. Petersburg, but it was understood at the time to have actually originated in what is known today as Uzbekistan, specifically the historic city of Bukhara.

Back in 2005, a Belgian research team did a complete genomic sequencing of HCoV-OC43 and found that it is similar to Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV), which causes respiratory ailments in cows. Geneticists can look at how two species differ and estimate the point of divergence, and they have concluded that these two viruses split around 1890.

And that, more than the symptom-snooping, is the case for Covid-1889.

  • We know that some kind of virus caused a respiratory pandemic starting in 1889.
  • We know that the respiratory virus HCoV-OC43 diverged from its bovine relative around 1890.

It is, of course, possible that there was a flu outbreak in 1889 and that, at around the same time, a coronavirus crossed over from cows and started causing mild respiratory symptoms that were not serious enough to warrant much attention.

But I think that if nobody had ever used the phrase “Russian Flu,” and instead the 1889 pandemic was a mystery ailment called “The Grip,” we would say the most parsimonious explanation is that molecular analysis strongly suggests it was caused by the breakthrough of a new coronavirus from cows to humans, possibly in the Bukhara area. The pandemic would have then spread very rapidly because railroads and steamships connected the world efficiently, killing large numbers of older people and leaving many survivors with neurological symptoms, but largely sparing the young.

It’s a testament to the work that deplorable characters like Candace O have put in that my first thought was there’s a not-insignificant non-zero chance that the email was concocted by her team to further their COVID culture war.


I don’t think he would do that. I think he would take zero precautions, get the virus then tout elk meat and ONITT supplements.

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Given the aspen demographics, erring on the side of someone being well known makes sense.

Candy made a name for herself. Now she can enjoy the fruits of her labor.

That was actually my first thought. No way do rich right-wingers not get everything they want.

But seems legit and lol

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From that thread:

What the fuck?

Alpha ended with a months long disaster mode in NYC. Guy is legit so I’m holding off on calling it utter horseshit, but ffs this isn’t realistic imo. Vaccinated people testing positive remains quite rare. I see dozens unvaccinated for every vaccinated.

I believe we will find higher transmissibility of Delta in Vax’d than Alpha in unvax’d.

Gonna guess there’s a typo in there.

I’m too stupid for my shirt
Too stupid for my shirt
So stupid it hurts

I’m a moron you know what I mean as I do my little turn …


Yesterday started with a runny nose and congestion, then woke up today with my body feeling sore, just like it did after I got my vaccine shots. Went ahead and got my first COVID test this morning just in case. In Seattle, I was able to get an appointment at one of the mass testing centers within the hour but I’m pretty sure I could’ve showed up without an appointment and treated mostly the same way. It took about 15-20 minutes to get through the whole line of cars and out the other side of the testing facility.

On the plus side, at least my immune response seems to be working.


Retweeted by Yglesias. So much for herd immunity.

Well, considering kids cant get vaccinated that seems pretty high.

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Ontario reported 865 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday

Data shows 67 per cent of new infections among those who are unvaccinated

Of the 801 cases today with a known vaccination status:

  • 540, or 67 per cent, were in unvaccinated people.
  • 88, or 11 per cent, had a single dose.
  • 173, or 22 per cent, had two doses.